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Show seeking Unique Acts

Posted: September 4th, 2014, 4:54 pm
by Asaf
Unique casting opportunity for Unique performers in Texas

The smash NYC Off Broadway production- The Gong Show Live - is coming to Austin at the Long Center in Oct. On SAT SEPT 27th the producers and casting director are holding an open audition in Austin TX at the Highball. This is a special opportunity to take your awesome, astounding, hilarious or unusual talent and be added to the cast of a working, traveling off broadway production.

Seeking: singers, musicians, dancers, magicians, contortionists, comedians, jugglers, animal acts, physical comedians, kooky lounge acts, street performers, acrobats variety acts and everything in between. All ages welcome.

Casting: Casting for this stage production is overseen by Robert Russell, renowned casting director known for the casting for dozens of hit TV shows including The Bachelor, The Apprentice, Rock Star INXS, Big Brother, The Restaurant, Moment of Truth and NBC'S Phenomenon other variety shows, tv pilots and feature films. Austin - you want to be see by this man!

Prepare: 2 minutes showcasing your talent/act

Sign up or Show up:
Need a specific time? email and we will reserve you a slot on pending availability
Show up Saturday Sept 27th between 2 and 5PM at The Highball 1120 S Lamar Blvd, Austin TX 78704

Other info: This is the Sony Pictures Television authorized stage production of the iconic TV show. It is a working theatrical stage show and a professional recreation of a beloved 70's show. This is not an amateur talent contest. Every performer cast is paid as a cast member. <>