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Greetings, piano and music here!

Posted: August 8th, 2014, 10:52 am
by RyanOnKeys
Hello all! My name is Ryan and I am a pianist, accompanist, writer/arranger, and all around music guy who just moved to Austin from Denver this past month. In addition to studio work and teaching, I love working with improv and theater groups as a music director and/or accompanist. In Denver, I performed and rehearsed with "Hit and Run: The Improvised Musical" at the Voodoo Playhouse, "Gleeprov" at the Bovine Metropolis Theater, all over with my original stand-up comedy band, Ultra Sex Laser, and was the initial music director for "Radio Voodoo", an improvised radio show in the style of A Prarie Home Companion. If you need music and/or a pianist for your group or theater, I'd love to hear from you! Austin looks like an amazing scene, I'm excited to be here, starting to go out and see some shows this week, and looking forward to getting to know the community. Thanks, cheers and best!


Re: Greetings, piano and music here!

Posted: August 8th, 2014, 11:55 am
by kbadr
Hi Ryan,

We're always looking for more musical improvisers at The Hideout. Come check out The Big Bash (Fridays at 8), or Maestro (Saturdays at 10) to get an idea of the shows that we most frequently hire musicians for. Tell the box office you're a musician checking out the show and were promised a comp ticket by Kareem.

Attend the monthly (ish) Austin Improv Community happy hour and introduce yourself. There's one this coming Tuesday at Violet Crown on east 6th, starting at 9pm. ... r=upcoming


Re: Greetings, piano and music here!

Posted: August 8th, 2014, 2:10 pm
by happywaffle
Hey Ryan! I just saw Gleeprov at the Colorado Improv Festival this past weekend, very funny stuff. Hope to see you around.

Re: Greetings, piano and music here!

Posted: August 8th, 2014, 3:57 pm
by RyanOnKeys
Thanks everyone! I'll be checking things out, and really hope to get to happy hour next week for in persons, yeah! Cheers

Re: Greetings, piano and music here!

Posted: August 11th, 2014, 11:00 am
by smerlin
Hey Ryan-

I think I got to meet you this Saturday at Boys of Summer. I schedule musicians for Girls Girls Girls and I have three levels of Improv Singing classes that I hire musicians for. I'd love for you to come to a GGG rehearsal so we can jam with you and see you play. We rehearse Sundays 4pm - 6pm.

Send me an email at and we'll coordinate something!


Re: Greetings, piano and music here!

Posted: September 30th, 2014, 5:57 pm
by Saralox
Hi Ryan,

I'm looking to put together a behind the music mockumentary improv show. Here is the thread
I'd love to meet you and throw around some ideas.