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Maestro - April 5
Posted: April 1st, 2014, 12:15 pm
by Brad Hawkins
The forums were down when Ruby put out her casting call on Mach 30. Instead, people signed up on Facebook. (
The following people have signed up as of the time of this post:
Kareem Badr
Brandon Martin
Brad Hawkins
Lindsay Hejl
Thedward Blevins
Andrew Schwartz
Patrick Creamer
Rachel Posey Austin
Shamik Basu
Andrew Robinson
Re: Maestro - April 5
Posted: April 1st, 2014, 1:17 pm
by rosemariefrezza
If casting is still open for this, let me in!!!
Rosemarie Frezza
Hideout Level 6
Various Hideout electives
Merlin Works Singing 201
Beginning Stage and Film at the Paramount
YAP at Improv Boston
Maestro 1x
Maestro Raw 3x
Fancy Pants 2x
Re: Maestro - April 5
Posted: April 1st, 2014, 2:52 pm
by heatherhasselle
I would love to play!
Heather Hasselle
Hideout, Level 5
Maestro Raw x1
Maestro x1
Fancy Pants x1
Re: Maestro - April 5
Posted: April 1st, 2014, 4:12 pm
by Ruby W.
This has been cast!
Sorry for the confusion you guys! We're sticking with using the forums from here on out.
Directors: Ruby and Marc
Kareem Badr
Brad Hawkins
Andrew Robinson
Shannon McCormick
Quinn Buckner
Ryan Austin
Lindsay Hejl
Cassidy Santaguida
Jayme Ramsay
Lacy Shawn
Rosemarie Frezza
Allison Huston