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Maestro - April 5

Posted: April 1st, 2014, 12:15 pm
by Brad Hawkins
The forums were down when Ruby put out her casting call on Mach 30. Instead, people signed up on Facebook. (here)

The following people have signed up as of the time of this post:
Kareem Badr
Brandon Martin
Brad Hawkins
Lindsay Hejl
Thedward Blevins
Andrew Schwartz
Patrick Creamer
Rachel Posey Austin
Shamik Basu
Andrew Robinson

Re: Maestro - April 5

Posted: April 1st, 2014, 1:17 pm
by rosemariefrezza
If casting is still open for this, let me in!!!

Rosemarie Frezza

Hideout Level 6
Various Hideout electives
Merlin Works Singing 201
Beginning Stage and Film at the Paramount
YAP at Improv Boston

Maestro 1x
Maestro Raw 3x
Fancy Pants 2x

Re: Maestro - April 5

Posted: April 1st, 2014, 2:52 pm
by heatherhasselle
I would love to play!

Heather Hasselle :lol:

Hideout, Level 5
Maestro Raw x1
Maestro x1
Fancy Pants x1

Re: Maestro - April 5

Posted: April 1st, 2014, 4:12 pm
by Ruby W.
This has been cast!

Sorry for the confusion you guys! We're sticking with using the forums from here on out.

Directors: Ruby and Marc

Kareem Badr
Brad Hawkins
Andrew Robinson
Shannon McCormick
Quinn Buckner
Ryan Austin
Lindsay Hejl
Cassidy Santaguida
Jayme Ramsay
Lacy Shawn
Rosemarie Frezza
Allison Huston