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March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 11th, 2014, 7:00 pm
by Lacy
***To be considered for the cast of Fancy Pants, please sign up with your first and last name, and your experience level (classes taken, improv you've done etc.)***

EX: Jane Doe, Hideout Classes 1 & 2, Institution level 1, Played Fancy Pants once before

What is Fancy Pants?

In short - a super fun monthly show (usually every first Friday!) at The Hideout Theatre. It is perfect for ANY improviser, regardless of your current level, experience, or improv background. Priority goes to students from all the theatres in town, but ALL are welcome! Everyone from ANY theatre or experience level is invited to sign up! Haven’t taken Austin classes, but have improv experience from somewhere else? Great - sign up!

This show is great for students looking for more stage practice AND as a playground for experienced veterans to try out new ideas or play with people they never get a chance to play with!

The show is a series of directed two person scenes. I’ll draw two names at random from the hat, and those players will pick whatever they feel inspired to do! Big fan of elephants? Great! Do a scene inspired by elephants! Want to make up games that have never been played? Awesome! Do that! Want to play an old standby, like New Choice? Sweet! I love New Choice! Have no idea what you might want to play, and you just want me to tell you how to start? Fantastic!

Cast: 17 people

Call time: 6:45 Sharp!

Show time/date: 7:30 PM, The Hideout Theatre, Friday, March 21st!

Dress: FANCY ATTIRE IS EXPECTED! (there is no such thing as “too dressed up” for this show![/b]

I post the cast list here on this thread the Tuesday before the show (2/4). No emails will be sent, so check back here in one week to see if you’ve been cast! I also post the cast list on Facebook, so if you're more likely to check there - add me as a friend!

This show is always a good time!

Please contact me if you have any questions about the show!

Lacy shawn @ gmail. com

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 11th, 2014, 7:48 pm
by EricWilson
I would love to play!

Eric Wilson
Merlin Works 301, Fancy Pants'd once before

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 11th, 2014, 7:49 pm
by Thamanda
I have so much fancy to offer!
Amanda Pitcher
Merlin Works level 1-3
Student Graduation Show
Fancy Pants :)

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 11th, 2014, 8:07 pm
by ClintHarris
I would love to play Fancy Pants again!

Clint Harris
Coldtowne Grad, performed in shows all over
Two prior Fancy Pantses

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 11th, 2014, 9:19 pm
by Blaine
This is Baine Fonnesbeck, I did the last fancy pants and really enjoyed it. I would love to try it again. Have finished 301 at the institution, and was in the White Tie Improv troupe at the University of Idaho for two years.

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 11th, 2014, 9:26 pm
by Megan
Hi Lacy, I'd like to play! I just finished 301 at the Institution.

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 12th, 2014, 9:43 am
by chriscurl
Pleeeeeeease let me be fancy.

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 12th, 2014, 10:47 am
by joekazoo
Sign me up!

Joe Kurczewski
Merlin Works level 1-3
Student Graduation Show

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 12th, 2014, 10:59 am
by C_Mack
I'd like to get fancy!

Craig McGreggor
Hideout I-VI Talking Improv
Merlin Works I Singing Improv

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 12th, 2014, 11:21 am
by Andreas Fabis
YES! I'd like to play

Andreas Fabis
Merlinworks 1-6
Hideout 4-6
Tom Booker master class
lotsa mainstage shows and stuff

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 12th, 2014, 11:39 am
by Dana Yanoshak
Dana Yanoshak
Merlin Works
Hideout Main stage shows
TIT shows

My best fiend


Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 12th, 2014, 12:26 pm
by lhobbie
Lori Hobbie
Hideout Classes 1-6
Student Showcases
Maestro Raw

ready to mash it up :lol: 8)

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 12th, 2014, 12:54 pm
by VegaGyro
Robert Slack

Groundlings 1-2
Four Day Weekend (Fort Worth) 1-4
Jon Bolden Workshops
Dave Razowski

Fancy Pants (2X)

The Special Features

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 12th, 2014, 1:33 pm
by rosemariefrezza

Rosemarie Frezza

Hideout Level 6
Various Hideout electives
Merlin Works Singing 101
Beginning Stage and Film at the Paramount
YAP at Improv Boston

Maestro 1x
Maestro Raw 3x
Fancy Pants 1x

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

Posted: March 12th, 2014, 2:25 pm
by Doug
I Have Fancy Pants! Desperately need to show them off!!!
And... I really want to get out there more.

Doug Pendergras Jr.

101-401 talking at Merlin Works (2013 -2014)
101 Singing at Merlin Works (2014)
1 Maestro workshop at Hideout (2014)

501 talking at Merlin Works
201 singing at Merlin Works

301 graduation show (Merlin Works)