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LOVEFEST at The Institution

Posted: January 29th, 2014, 11:22 pm
by Asaf

LOVEFEST will be performed every Friday at 8pm from January 31st thru February 21st at The Institution Theater!

**** [ur= ... stitutionl]You can purchase your tickets in advance[/url]!! ****


Does the whole idea of Valentine’s Day fill you with warm fuzzies? Or do you revolt at the mere sight of a scarlet heart or a box of fattening bonbons? We’ve got you covered either way! This February season, the Institution Theater presents Lovefest and Bitterfest, to cover both sides of the romantic coin!

LOVEFEST is back with more love to laugh at and more laughter to love. Improvisational lovers share the stage with storytellers and musicians to spin tales from the heart shaped elephant in the room that everyone is talking about.

Featured acts include:

BEDFELLOWS - An improvised show that takes the comedy out of the bedroom and puts it onto the stage. Take a rare peak at the secretly hilarious post coital moments as they happen between a woman and a man and a woman. Starring Jessica Arjet, Dana Yanoshak, and Andreas Fabis. Directed by Asaf Ronen

NUGEFIELD - Stage veterans Ashley Nugent and Clifton Highfield revisit the duo they started in Los Angeles to improvise a show that celebrates a world falling apart while two people are falling in love.

LOVECAST – Improvised stories of love and song intertwined. Starring Jo Chauvin, Tess Hermes, Allison Huston, Seth Johnson, James Leary, Mason Pitluk, Heidi Rogers, Luis Salinas, and Nathan Sowell. With accompaniment from the LoveBand: Joseph Daily, Steve Glazer, and Tony Stern.

Plus Special Appearances by Tom Booker, Spencer Daniels, Julie Gillis, and Mandi Wolfe.