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Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 10th, 2013, 4:53 pm
by Jessica
Hey guys!

It's time to volunteer for wafflefest! This is such fun to do each year, and you get all the waffles you can eat! Please sign up by leaving a message here, or by writing me directly.

It is listed under the day and time first - then a line for each position, then the call time.

When you sign up, please also let me know your email and phone number so I can confirm with you. Thanks!

Thursday 8:00:
Waffle Maker 6:30 PM Cindy
Waffle Maker 6:30 PM NIcole
Waffle Maker 6:30 PM Ian Marcotte
Upstairs Tech 1 7:15 PM Chad
Upstairs Tech 2 7:15 PM Jennifer Brinlee
Upstairs Ticket Taker 7:15 PM Gloria
Box office helper 7:15 PM Quinn
Upstairs Photos Nick Williams
Runner 7:15 PM Richard

Thursday 10:00:

Waffle Maker 8:45 PM Cindy
Waffle Maker 8:45 PM Quinn
Waffle Maker 8:45 PM Tim McCarter
Upstairs Tech 1 9:15 PM Cortney
Upstairs Tech 2 9:15 PM Edwin
Upstairs Ticket Taker 9:15 PM Jen Paine
Box office helper 9:15 PM Andrew Castano
Runner 9:15 PM Orf
Upstairs Photos Katie D.

Friday 8:00:
Waffle Maker 6:30 PM Cindy
Waffle Maker 6:30 PM Maitland
Waffle Maker 6:30 PM _____________
Upstairs Tech 1 7:15 PM Warren
Upstairs Tech 2 7:15 PM Ian Marcotte
Downstairs Tech 1 7:15 PM Chelly
Downstairs Tech 2 7:15 PM Greg Melia
Upstairs Ticket Taker 7:15 PM Ziad
Downstairs Ticket Taker7:15 PM Jason Burnett
Box office helper 7:15 PM Vicki
Runner 7:15 PM Sarah Hutchins
Upstairs Photos Steve
Downstairs Photos Claudio

Friday 10:00:
Waffle Maker 8:45 PM Cindy
Waffle Maker 8:45 PM Mike Nystul (a few minutes late!)
Waffle Maker 8:45 PM Andrew Castano
Upstairs Tech 1 9:15 PM Warren
Upstairs Tech 2 9:15 PM Maitland
Downstairs Tech 1 9:15 PM Chelly
Downstairs Tech 2 9:15 PM Jennifer Brinlee
Upstairs Ticket Taker 9:15 PM Ziad
Downstairs Ticket Taker9:15 PM Angie
Box office helper 9:15 PM Vicki
Runner 9:15 PM Kathleen
Upstairs Photos Claudio
Downstairs Photos Steve Rogers

Saturday 6:00:

Waffle Maker 5:00 PM Jennifer Brinlee
Waffle Maker 5:00 PM Cindy
Waffle Maker 5:00 PM Ryan Austin
Downstairs Tech 1 5:15 PM Brad
Downstairs Tech 2 5:15 PM _______________
Downstairs Ticket Taker 5:15 PM Gloria
Box office helper 5:15 PM Shana
Runner 5:15 PM Manuel
Downstairs Photos Kathleen

Saturday 8:00:
Waffle Maker 6:30 PM Ryan Austin
Waffle Maker 6:30 PM Andrew Castano
Waffle Maker 6:30 PM Chantel Chang
Upstairs Tech 1 7:15 PM Barrett
Upstairs Tech 2 7:15 PM Kathleen
Downstairs Tech 1 7:15 PM Cortney
Downstairs Tech 2 7:15 PM Cindy
Upstairs Ticket Taker 7:15 PM Lady Sweetlamb
Downstairs Ticket Taker7:15 PM Jeremy Sweetlamb
Box office helper 7:15 PM Taylor Overstreet
Runner 7:15 PM Sarah Hutchins
Upstairs Photos Claudio
Downstairs Photos Nicole Beckley

Saturday 10:00:
Waffle Maker 8:45 PM Ryan Austin
Waffle Maker 8:45 PM Ian Marcotte
Waffle Maker 8:45 PM Chantel Chang
Upstairs Tech 1 9:15 PM Barrett
Upstairs Tech 2 9:15 PM Kathleen
Downstairs Tech 1 9:15 PM Cortney
Downstairs Tech 2 9:15 PM Edwin
Upstairs Ticket Taker 9:15 PM Tim Mc...
Downstairs Ticket Taker9:15 PM _________________
Box office helper 9:15 PM Taylor Overstreet
Runner 9:15 PM _________________
Upstairs Photos Claudio
Downstairs Photos Steve

Thank you!

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 10th, 2013, 5:15 pm
by Claudio
Thursday photo at 8

Friday Downstairs photo 8&10

Saturday Upstairs photo 8&10

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 9:40 am
by Vicki
Yes, please. Could I please help in the box office for both shifts on Friday?

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 2:03 pm
by Jennifer3001
Thursday - 8pm show Upstairs tech
Friday - 10pm downstairs tech
Saturday - 5pm waffle maker


Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 1:14 pm
by cindy
Friday night waffle making shifts, please!

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 8:24 pm
by zrouhana
Hello !

Friday : waffle making shift.



Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 7:58 am
by Jessica
Ziad - do you want the early or late shift on Friday? Or both :)

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 10:44 am
by Brad Hawkins
I can tech the early slot on Saturday. Whichever theater.

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 12:51 pm
by Ryan Austin
I'll make Waffles for all Saturday shows. Sign me up. It's ON!

Jayme and I PERFECTED the method last year. I'm ready to rock this.

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 1:54 pm
by beardedlamb
the lady caitlin and i will take a shift of ticket taking or box office for the saturday 8pm shows.

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 2:53 pm
by Gloria
I will take tickets for the 8pm show on Thursday and the saturday teen show, at 5:15.

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 3:18 pm
by androidqueen
Jessica! I would be delighted to take a shift or two doing anything on Friday. Of note, I have not tech-ed at the Hideout before, though I'd be happy to learn.

Maitland Lederer
androidqueen AT gmail DOT com

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 6:14 pm
by tayover
i can take tickets (either theater) and/or help in the box for both saturday shows! i will smile and EVERYTHING. :D

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 9:44 pm
by OhNicole
I would love to be either a Waffle Maker or Runner on Thursday 6:30 or 7:15. Yay!

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Posted: November 15th, 2013, 10:07 am
by smerlin
Saturday 5:15 box office helper?