F*&! Shit Up! - Maestro Nov 2nd
Posted: October 27th, 2013, 12:58 pm
Hey everyone!
Marc and I will be directing a Maestro that is centered around playing riskier games and breaking your brain. And, of course, we will give the audience a great time while doing so. Everyone knows that Marc is fucking crazy. Everyone knows that I'm pretty straight-laced. Marc will have a normal Maestro, but I'm letting myself go a bit.
If you are down to be challenged, sign up for this week's Maestro!!
ALSO - we will need Tech for both Lights AND Sound. That means two tech people.
NOTE: If you tech, you get a pass into the next Maestro you sign up for. We have a super special GGG Maestro coming up where all of our incredible Girls Girls Girls will be playing. It will be very hard to get into this Maestro (since so many spots are pre-cast) so doing tech this week is a WIN!
Also - if you are a first-time tech, we'll teach you lights up, lights down. If you more experienced and feel like experimenting, then go for it! If you've been around the block a few times and have teched a good amount of shows and feel confident, help us call scenes! The tech experience is as relaxing/risky as you want to make it.
Call time is 9:15pm! We will start warm-ups at 9:30 SHARP. I will notice who is late!
With love!
Marc and I will be directing a Maestro that is centered around playing riskier games and breaking your brain. And, of course, we will give the audience a great time while doing so. Everyone knows that Marc is fucking crazy. Everyone knows that I'm pretty straight-laced. Marc will have a normal Maestro, but I'm letting myself go a bit.
If you are down to be challenged, sign up for this week's Maestro!!
ALSO - we will need Tech for both Lights AND Sound. That means two tech people.
NOTE: If you tech, you get a pass into the next Maestro you sign up for. We have a super special GGG Maestro coming up where all of our incredible Girls Girls Girls will be playing. It will be very hard to get into this Maestro (since so many spots are pre-cast) so doing tech this week is a WIN!
Also - if you are a first-time tech, we'll teach you lights up, lights down. If you more experienced and feel like experimenting, then go for it! If you've been around the block a few times and have teched a good amount of shows and feel confident, help us call scenes! The tech experience is as relaxing/risky as you want to make it.
Call time is 9:15pm! We will start warm-ups at 9:30 SHARP. I will notice who is late!
With love!