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Research Project for Comedy map!

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 11:50 pm
by Lenalong55
Hello All!

I currently working on my certificate for Geographic Information Systems(GIS). At the end of the is year I will be expected to do a spatial analysis problem of some sort.
So, I though Why not help out the comedy community and make a really cool map along the way!

If everyone who is involved in comedy, goes to the show or anything along these lines could take this survey for me that would be great!

The end product of this project, if I receive enough participation, will be a map of the distribution of funny people in Austin.

Please Help me out by November 1st!

Thank you so much!

PS. If you have any other ideas of things you would like to see on a comedy map, tell me your ideas!

Re: Research Project for Comedy map!

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 8:48 am
by happywaffle
Done! (One note, it's ColdTowne, with a capital T and an E at the end.)

Re: Research Project for Comedy map!

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 9:09 am
by Spots
You forgot Cap City! I guess it's a write-in vote.

Thanks-a for doing this. Fun project.