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Improv Audition for New Cinematic Improv Group - 9/21 & 9/28

Posted: September 9th, 2013, 11:02 pm
by Matthew Arisheh
Thanks to all those that came out to the MerlinWorks Mixer over the weekend!

In order to get to know the folks that attended the mixer better and to give an opportunity to those that were interested but couldn't make it to the mixer, I'll be hosting two more workshops/auditions. Here are the details:

Workshop 1: SAT 9/21 2-4PM
Workshop 2: SAT 9/28 2-4PM
Location: The Domain Shopping Complex

If you are just hearing about this and are interested, you are welcome to come by as well.

You are encouraged to attend both workshops, but you will still be considered if you can only attend one of them. If you are interested and haven't done so already, please fill out the audition form at:

If you come by with out filling out the form, you will be turn away.

P.S. Yes, this is the same group previously posted about in the forum here: ... 60#p132960

Re: Improv Audition for New Cinematic Improv Group - 9/21 &

Posted: September 10th, 2013, 2:37 pm
by happywaffle
Very cool. I strongly recommend posting this announcement to the "Hey Austin Improv…" Facebook group.

Re: Improv Audition for New Cinematic Improv Group - 9/21 &

Posted: September 10th, 2013, 11:27 pm
by Matthew Arisheh
I just done did it. Thanks Kevin!

Re: Improv Audition for New Cinematic Improv Group - 9/21 &

Posted: September 16th, 2013, 10:52 am
by HelloMyNamesWill
I want to audition for this group so bad, but I have to work the next 2 Saturdays!! Any chance I can audition at your first practice if you're still down a person??