Playwrights G. Warren Steele and Candayce Rusk are issuing a call for all actors who would like to do cold readings for a new writer's group (as yet un-named) that is being formed in Austin. The readings are not auditions per se, but provide valuable feedback to the playwrights so that they may determine what in their 1st drafts works and what doesn't. The procedure is based on the one used by WriteOn, the Boston playwright's group to which Mr. Steele formerly belonged. Though the readings and subsequent discussions/critiques are informal and fun, they benefit the actor in honing his/her skills and in the area of networking.
Interested actors should send their contact information to Mr. Steele at Please state the age range you feel comfortable in playing. No other information is necessary as the only skill required is knowing how to read aloud from a playscript. A listserve will be developed by which group members (playwrights and actors) will be informed of time and place of meetings and the casting requirements of the pieces to be read.
Mr. Steele, formerly in The Dramatist's Guild, has completed a full-length that he mentioned in an earlier posting to the casting forum, the keyword in your search being "N.F. Simpson". He is particularly interested in casting improvisors who also have a background in acting in scripted plays. Cast is: 2m, 1f - middle-aged; 4m, 4f - 20's. Those parties may e-mail a full picture/resume set to the address above.
The new group is also interested in adding playwrights. It is preferred that you will have had one or more productions or staged readings of one of your works, but you must at least have works written in an accepted playscript format (with stage directions, etc.) and be able to provide highlighted copies for all participants in a reading.
Meetings of the new group are projected to be monthly. The 1st meeting will be this coming Sunday (5/26); readers for Miss Rusk's play "A Shining Attribute" have already been cast, but other interested actors and playwrights may attend the meeting to participate in the discussion and get a general idea of what goes on. Please call Mr. Steele at 221-6210 for the exact time and place of the meeting.
New Playwright's Group
Upcoming casting calls, auditions, and tryouts.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever
Re: New Playwright's Group
Correction to previous post: For "A Shining Attribute", Candyce needs readers for the following: 1m - middleaged, 2f - 20's. Also, the 1st meeting of the new playwright's group will be Sunday, June 2.