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Midnight Special - Gong Show 11:30PM 5/18

Listings of upcoming shows, classes, and other events.

Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever

Midnight Special - Gong Show 11:30PM 5/18

Post by apiaryist »

Hey all,

The Midnight Special is stopping at Coldtowne next Saturday. It's a free, open performance show. You get 2-5 minutes to try anything. Experimental pieces and weirdness are welcome. A 2-minute Harold? Sure. In the past we've had standup, sketch, singing, movement, screaming, drinking, stories, and crying.
Come watch, participate, or both.

Sign up below, or just before the show!

Rules of the gong: The first 45 seconds are gong free. Then the audience can decide if you stay or go. Pretty simple.

We're also featuring the burlesque of Miss Mona Mie. And no, you can't gong her, no matter how much you want to.

Where: Coldtowne Theater
When: 5/18 at 11:30PM(right after Midnight Society and The Frank Mills)
How Much: Free

I want to say the loud words!