Free Fringe Plan
5/2/2013: The 58th Show!
Deane Martin, produced by Brandon Martin
(Brandon Martin is leaving town for Chicago. Come see one of his last shows before he's gone.)
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to hang around a group of very successful lounge singers from the 50's-60's era? How much scotch, cigars, and Philandering might go on amongst celebrity friends? Let's find out in "Deane Martin, a look into the lounge"
Theatresports for Non-Improvisers, produced by Roy Janik
Theatresports debuts this Saturday at the Hideout, but before that happens some of the cast is going to cut loose in the Fringe.
Two teams can challenge each other to anything at all, so long as it does NOT involve an improv scene or game. Most push-ups? Best hug? We shall see!
headlining group: Jessica & Lisa Jackson
The Fringe Plan for May 2, 2013
Listings of upcoming shows, classes, and other events.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever
The Fringe Plan for May 2, 2013
PGraph plays every Thursday at 8pm!