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Wanna help in audio recording improv?

Posted: October 2nd, 2012, 8:18 pm
by pcnixon
Hi, I'm a friend of Ceej/Christopher Allen. I am looking for some folks who might want to participate in an audio recording session for a project I'm working on. The audio for this will actually be sent up to a songwriter in Michigan for one of his songs. Not wanting to waste anyone's time, this is a completely volunteer/favor I'm doing for him. His song will appear publicly on Soundcloud, so don't expect to hear it on the radio. This is just going to be a little fun thing.

The scene takes place in a hospital undergoing a zombie invasion. I'd like to record some "reactions" of individuals and groups: the nurses, doctors, public, and also the "sound" of zombies.

I'm not sure when or where to do this yet, but I know from Ceej that there are occasional rehearsals throughout the week. So if you're interested, please send me a message. I'd love to record this at a central place, such as the Hideout, depending on what's available.

I'll need to get the producer the audio tracks no later than October 25th, so this will take place in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, it should take no longer than an hour or so because I know you guys are busy.

In advance, thanks!

I'm interested!

Posted: October 3rd, 2012, 10:00 am
by Christian Huey
Hey, Paul. I know Ceej myself. I wouldn't mind participating in your fun project. I'm kinda in and out of the improv circle, but I do tons of acting (including voice acting) locally.

--Christian Huey

Posted: October 3rd, 2012, 10:48 pm
by scott.hearne

I'm recording a bunch improv stuff and I'd love to help you out. Hit me up:

scotthearne at


Posted: October 4th, 2012, 8:34 am
by pcnixon
Thanks tons, Christian and Scott. Once I can get more folks involved (I'll need some female talent, as well) I can get us all together to have a little recording gig.

Talk to you soon.