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Rubber Room every Sunday: open jam, Faculty Show, lottery!

Posted: September 13th, 2012, 3:57 pm
by Justin D.

This and every Sunday is the new weekly show at The Institution Theater called The Rubber Room.
It has an all-inclusive jam session (doesn't matter what your level or theater association is), a Faculty Show (which is the teachers of the theater playing together for the first two Sundays of the month, and the remaining Sundays of the month have that slot filled by troupes that teachers are in), and the last slot is a lottery. I'm super excited about this. Here's the official write-up:

Does getting on stage drive you mad? Is this idea of jumping in front of a crowd of people with no idea what you’ll say an insane idea? Would you find it crazy to join seasoned professionals at creating characters and making up stories on the spot?

Is this the kind of crazy you find irresistible or are you looking for new outlets for the many voices in your head? Then check into The Rubber Room every Sunday at 8 PM at The Institution Theater.

The Rubber Room begins with a no-pressure jam session where anyone can join in the fun and is led by one of The Institution’s own teachers. A simple theme will guide each week’s jam, and the teacher will ensure everyone who wants to will have a time to play in a safe, welcoming environment.

After the jam, stay for a 30-minute show put on by The Faculty, consisting of The Institution’s teachers. The Faculty Show will showcase and highlights the style of improv taught at the theater. Plus, it gives the faculty the opportunity to play together, which they love to do.

Then, stick around for The Institution Lottery, where you and up to three other people can join members of The Institution faculty on stage. The Institution’s is faculty made up of Tom Booker, Asaf Ronen, Justin Davis, Sarah Marie Curry, Ted Meredith, Clifton Highfield, and John Ratliff, a varied group of improvisers that have made their mark around the country (and even the world for a couple of them). They’ll follow the basic tenet of “make the other people look good” if you’re lucky enough to join them on stage.

The Rubber Room, a safe place to bounce around new ideas every Sunday night at 8 PM at The Institution Theater. You’d be crazy to miss this.

Posted: September 14th, 2012, 3:33 pm
by SarahMarie

Posted: September 14th, 2012, 4:04 pm
by diamond9
Can't wait! So excited to see this started.

Posted: September 16th, 2012, 2:18 pm
by Justin D.
This happens tonight. It's $2 to watch and free if you play. So, come, do a scene or two in the jam, and then stay to see the Faculty Show before possibly getting into the lottery. Screw the rain! You're better than that! Don't let that rain lull you into complacency or make you scared to go outside! Show the world that you control your fate, not the weather! Get yourself to The Rubber Room!

Posted: September 19th, 2012, 12:53 pm
by Justin D.
Thanks for coming, everyone. We had a great, full house of people last time. Let's keep that up! If you didn't make it out last week, I hope to see you there this Sunday.

Posted: September 19th, 2012, 1:02 pm
by SarahMarie

And such wonderful work from our brave/awesome/dreamy students.

I have too many improv crushes now! Too many!