RACKET and D-Vine with guests in September
Posted: September 8th, 2012, 2:42 am
Church of the D-Vine RACKET (with guests!) September/Saturdays/8pm/TheInstitution.*
RACKET** and Simply D-Vine*** are hosting other equally awesome, equally insane music-sound-improv mashup-shenanigans;**** first guest out of the gate is The Masterpiece!*****
That's right folks, three sets of sound and fury and joy and delight all in one sleek, sporty package. Hope to see you there!
* For the organized planners hiding among the improvisers, get your tickets here.
** Sarah Marie Curry, Jono Gray, Brandon Roesler, Chad Wellington, and buckets of noisy things (well, they're noisy once we get our hands on them) bust improv open like a piƱata and play with the neat toys that fall out.
*** Deano Jones, Jason Vines, and Ammon Taylor put together a go-nuts musical with no holds barred. It makes me a sad panda that I'm probably missing all of these because we're warming up during their set. Tragedy!
**** I found a game! Have you spotted it?
***** Jay Byrd, Patrick Knisley, and Ammon Taylor play a nonstop scene-and-music highway. It's like an improv musical road trip but you can go to the bathroom whenever you want.
RACKET** and Simply D-Vine*** are hosting other equally awesome, equally insane music-sound-improv mashup-shenanigans;**** first guest out of the gate is The Masterpiece!*****
That's right folks, three sets of sound and fury and joy and delight all in one sleek, sporty package. Hope to see you there!
* For the organized planners hiding among the improvisers, get your tickets here.
** Sarah Marie Curry, Jono Gray, Brandon Roesler, Chad Wellington, and buckets of noisy things (well, they're noisy once we get our hands on them) bust improv open like a piƱata and play with the neat toys that fall out.
*** Deano Jones, Jason Vines, and Ammon Taylor put together a go-nuts musical with no holds barred. It makes me a sad panda that I'm probably missing all of these because we're warming up during their set. Tragedy!
**** I found a game! Have you spotted it?
***** Jay Byrd, Patrick Knisley, and Ammon Taylor play a nonstop scene-and-music highway. It's like an improv musical road trip but you can go to the bathroom whenever you want.