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The 30th Free Fringe Show, featuring the return of the iO 5

Posted: August 22nd, 2012, 2:20 am
by Roy Janik
8/23/2012: The Thirtieth Show!

Dear Diary, produced by Jen Kaplan

From Jen Kaplan, the producer:
'The "Dear Diary" idea came about when Sam Schak, Nicole Oliver, and I were hanging out one night at the Dog & Duck and got to talking about things that we used to write in our diaries when we were younger.

The show will start with one or all of us reading out loud from our old diaries and doing a show inspired by those old, extremely embarrassing, real-life thoughts.

I think it would make for a hilarious show, but one that's grounded in the reality of what goes on in our heads when we're young and trying to figure out life, love, etc.'

starring: Jen Kaplan, Sam Schak, Nicole Oliver, and their innermost secrets

iO Summer Intensive Show, produced by Karen DeWitt

This summer five Austin improvisors traveled to Chicago for the iO Theatre's Summer Intensive!
Watch them put their five weeks of training to work in this Chicago-style show with an Austin flair.

starring: Nicholas Saenz, Kayla Lane Freeman, Karen Jane DeWitt, Aaron Walther, Peter Rogers

 Your Dad's Friends

Your Dad's Friends is a troupe of improvisers who have been playing together off and on for over 10 years. With a pedigree that includes such classic Austin troupes such as, Monk's Night Out, Ray Prewitt's 4th Grade Class, and Inflatable Egos, they have cemented themselves as the elder statesmen (and women) of Austin improv comedy. They pride themselves on a strong short-form background which they use to create formats that appeal to a long-form audience. Your Dad's Friends have appeared at Out of Bounds, Wafflefest, and the Improv Marathon at The Hideout Theatre.


Posted: August 22nd, 2012, 9:53 am
by Ryan Hill
Guess I'd better watch that first one...

Posted: August 22nd, 2012, 4:46 pm
by Lukew
Hurray! Looks to be a super fun one!