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Shakespeare in September II

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 1:43 pm
by Wesley
Sadly, due to time restraints on myself, and several others who expressed a strong desire to participate but could not at this time, I think that I am going to table the Shakespeare idea for now and run it in Feb/Mar/Apr of next year when people are a little slower and lighter on rehearsing for OoB and the start of school and other things.

What does this mean?
Well, it means that I can open up several Blank Show slots in September to people.
The catch?
I want something unusal and not common to our stage to fill them. Part of the hopes for this slot was "experimental" so I don't want Blue Maestro or Gorilla or sketch or something we essentially do anyway. I want things like improvised story-telling dance or masks or 3-2-1 or something really different. You're frigging entertainment artists who think on the spot. Get creative. Wow me. Wow each other. Wow Austin.

I'll probably keep 1 (maybe 2 of the slots if I can make a second idea happen), but I'll definitely be opening up at least 2, maybe 3. If you have an idea, please post it here or PM me or just stop me and talk to me in person.

For those that could and wanted to do Shakespeare at this time, I apologize and hope that you will be still be available in the spring.

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 2:31 pm
by Marc Majcher
I've been wanting to do a Samurai Movie long form for a while now, with mock Japanese spoken and dubbing from offstage. If I could get a half-dozen people that love that genre, and a late September blank show slot, I bet we could make it happen. Kind of like Shakespeare, kind of like a western! Honor, revenge, and killing! Anyone?

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 2:54 pm
by acrouch
I would love to do a Mask show, maybe two in one of the later available slots.

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 2:57 pm
by acrouch
I saw the Improvised Shakespeare show at Improv Olympic. It was pretty solid. The first half was a little slow and had my tired ass falling asleep, but they picked it up in the second half. I'll tell you all about it when we actually decide to do this Shakespeare thing.

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 3:02 pm
by Wesley
Oh, we have decided to actually do this Shakespeare thing. The only thing we haven't decided is when.

I could still do it in September, but it is personally not something I want to half-ass (or let slide back into comedy if we aren't hitting it right, because then is not an experiment in dramatic theater, but an hour long Maestro game). I want to do it to the best of our abilities and there just isn't time or cast right now.

And yes, I look forward to hearing about this show.