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Yellow Bike Project (improv) - 6/6/12

Posted: June 4th, 2012, 1:32 pm
by Pdyx
This Wednesday night at 8 pm at TNM during what is normally The Opposites Show, I'm doing a special show that I'm pretty excited about and thought I'd share here. Here's the official write-up:

A special Opposites show! Mark is out of town so Patrick does WHATEVER HE WANTS.

“Yellow Bike Project” headlines the show this week presenting their show One Long Scene With A Puppet.

Yellow Bike Project is Michael Domangue and Patrick Knisely in an improvised 2 person monoscene. That’s right, one show, one scene where Michael will play a person and Patrick will improvise with a puppet!

Opening for The Yellow Bike Project is the Butchershop Quartet, one of the up and coming improv troupes at The New Movement Austin.