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MojoKickball Evening Game May 1st at 8pm

Posted: April 24th, 2012, 10:51 pm
by chicocarlucci
Hey guys,

Some of you who know me know a little bit about this game I made (with the help of the Improv community) called Mojokickball. (

Well, lately, I've been going through a reboot of sorts and working on re-factoring the old veterans who have been playing this game for the last 6 years. Ultimately, I'm looking for Mojo to get back to it's Improv roots. Fun. Exercise. Hilarious Failure. These are the things I value.

So if you're interested, and you have time on May 1st at 8pm, you should come by and participate in the wackiest, most hilarious game you'll ever play. Check out the website if you don't believe me. Details about where the game is and map to the field (Krieg Softball Complex in Central-East Austin) are there.

Kick it, yo,


Posted: April 25th, 2012, 1:36 pm
by zac
I'm seriously excited for this. I have heard of this magical sport, but never played before...

Posted: April 25th, 2012, 2:16 pm
by beardedlamb
everyone should do this. it's tons o fun. and dont take for granted the fact that you have two working legs. get out and on them. mojo is a lot of fun.

Posted: April 25th, 2012, 11:44 pm
by Heidi.N.Rogers
I wanna play!!!! I can't believe this was on the Wall Street Journal! That's BALLer!!!!

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 12:39 am
by sara farr
I support this with my mind and my outta-shape body. I will be there rather than be a square, and will help prove that in Mojo-Kickball, it's about the fun (and the crazy-complex rules that no-one but Eric understands).

Posted: April 26th, 2012, 3:17 pm
by Lacy
Sweeet! Sounds fun!

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 4:05 pm
by zac
This is tonight!