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SubHysteria (Improvised Movie)

Posted: April 7th, 2012, 4:17 pm
by smerlin
Got this email and thought I'd pass it along...

Imagine sixteen people get stuck in a subway car in NYC for several days, without communication, hope, way to escape, and a fatal sensation that they are going to die. This is exactly what our featured film SubHysteria is all about. But what is so unique about this film? Every single actor in this film is an improv actor! There was no script involved, just an idea and the freedom for the actors to play off the storyline.

I am reaching out to you to inform you that SubHysteria, an 88-minute film, is now available on iTunes, Amazon, Cable and Video On Demand. With some research, I came across your theatre and thought that the film could be used as a great teaching/learning tool for your students.
Below, I have provided multiple links about the movie so that you can see a preview and see the results and reviews about the film.


Please let me know if this idea interests you and how I can be of more assistance.

Kind regards,
Gabriela Marchand

Posted: April 8th, 2012, 4:39 pm
by happywaffle
Bitchin! Hope it's good. I'd be down for a viewing.