The Cage Match Championship is This Friday February 24th in the year 2012 at 8:30 pm!
So that means the Cage Match committee is now looking for submissions for the next tournament starting Friday March 2, 2012.
Deadline for submission: Sunday February 26th.
A quick reminder: All Cage Match shows will be Fridays at 8:30pm, @ Coldtowne Theater.
Please take a look and indicate what dates your troupe is available.
Dates and times are subject to change.
Mar 2nd: 1 vs 8
Mar 9th: 4 vs 5
Mar 16th: NO SHOW-SXSW Week
Mar 23rd: 2 vs 7
Mar 30th: 3 vs 6
Apr 6th: 1/8 vs 4/5
Apr 13th: 2/7 vs 3/6
Apr 27th: Exhibition Match
To register for the Cage Match, ONE member of your team must submit ALL of the following information to me via EMAIL to (mjameswilliams (at) gmail(dot)com) with the Subject Line: Cage Match-March. Again please email me at mjameswilliams(at)gmail(dot)com with all required information.
Team Name:
List of Members:
Description of Format/Style:
Publicity Blurb (short):
Does your team have a coach?
Team captian phone number:
Team Logo (application is considered incomplete w/o logo)
Again--Deadline: Sunday February 26th!!!
Thank You
Cage Match Commissioner
Cage Match: March and April now open
Listings of upcoming shows, classes, and other events.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever