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"Cops & Lawyers" Needs Lighting and Sound Tech

Posted: July 19th, 2006, 3:00 pm
by troy

"Cops & Lawyers", the improvised Law & Order parody, goes up next Saturday the 29th at 8:00pm. We are looking for folks who'd like to help us out doing lights or sound for each show, particularly through August.

We'd like to have a pool of people to work with, so please respond to this post (or email Troy Miller - - or David Lampe - - directly) if you are interested.

It's every Saturday through September, excluding OOB weekend. We'd love to have you do 1 show, 2 shows, or however many you're interested in. You'll have full creative ability to enhance the show with cool lighting or a variety of music/sound fx. Anyone who helps us out will have the opportunity to: (1) make a guest appearance in one of the shows (2) possibly get paid some cash.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 2:03 pm
by troy
Another call out for tech help for what is going to be another kick-ass Heroes long form genre show. Lots of opportunity for the sound and lighting improvisor to be creative and add their own touch to the show.

See the previous post for enticements. Either send an email, respond to this post, or just show up TUESDAY, JULY 25TH, 7:00PM for our next rehearsal.

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 4:45 pm
by nadine
Troy, I'll be happy to help on Sat, July 5th's show. I'm out of town for a few weekends during the show's run, and so can't commit to being full-time tech.

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 9:30 pm
by troy
Awesome! I'll pencil you in For AUGUST 5th. If you could come to our rehearsal the Tuesday before (7:00pm, Hideout), that would be rad. Let me know.