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First Maestro of 2012!

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 9:34 am
by Jessica
Hey there,
Troy and Andy will be your directors.
I know Ruby will play.
Maybe Ceej?

Anyway, it will be fantastic so come out and start the New Year off right!

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 9:46 am
by Jolene
I would love to join for the first time!
Level 4
Hideout Theatre

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 10:17 am
by Spaztique
First tech of the year!

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 11:34 am
by Chuy!
A fresh new Maestro? Gimme some!

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 1:16 pm
by sandray
First maestro of the year!!! I would like to play!

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 1:40 pm
by NoahV
Playing would be nice, no?

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 4:44 pm
by Nicole Beckley
I'd like to play.

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 4:45 pm
by hujhax
I'd like to play!


peter rogers @ home |

If you flail around madly enough, sooner or later you hit the piñata.
      -- Alex Epstein

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 6:20 pm
by StatusBro
Brandon Martin
Im in level 4 with Troy
I want in

Yes, please

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 6:24 pm
by AllisonAsher
I am now addicted to Maestro. Yes, please.

Posted: January 2nd, 2012, 10:41 pm
by MitchellD
Mitchell will play
Hideout lvl 4-5


Posted: January 3rd, 2012, 1:36 am
by Ryan Hill
I'd like to play. :-)
Hideout Level 5

Posted: January 3rd, 2012, 9:23 am
by Brent Unger
I'm not in Fancy Pants so hopefully I can do Maestro instead! Sign me up, please!

Lvl 5 @ Hideout

Posted: January 3rd, 2012, 11:08 am
by arby
I would like to play.
Hideout Lvl 5 (Sept. 2011)

Posted: January 3rd, 2012, 1:11 pm
by cassdiddy
I would love to play this week!
Name: Cassidy
Improv Education: took classes at the Hideout
Improv Status: Available this Saturday night