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OOB All-Star Maestro cast

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 1:37 pm
by Roy Janik
The All-Star Maestro is tonight (Friday) at Midnight.

Directed by Marc and Andy, it's one of the craziest traditions of OOB. Late night show with a cast of TWENTY FIVE performers.

Check out this cast list:

Chuy Zarate from Zarzamora (Austin)
Mat Giles from Shades of Brown (Austin)
Shannon McCormick from Get Up (Austin)
Jason Vines from IFE (Austin)
Aden Kirschner from Girls Girls Girls (Austin)
Jordan T. Maxwell from from 710 Split (Austin/LA)
Jeffery Mills from Think Tank (Austin)
Chris Allen from Confidence Men (Austin)
Ruby Willmann from Your Dad’s Friends (Austin)
Kendall Burdett from Margot’s Pie (Los Angeles)
Justin Baker from The 400 Cat (Los Angeles)
Colton Dunn from Rough Cut (Los Angeles)
Steph Jones from That Summer in June (Chicago)
Katie Hartman from Skinny Bitch Jesus Meeting (New York)
Ben Masten from Audience of 2 (New York)
Sam Dingman from Audience of 2 (New York)
Tyler Bryce from Red Dirt Improv (OKC)
Jaime Moyer from Second City Holywood (Los Angeles)
Marc Rowland from Montreal Improv (Montreal)
Kristin Schier from The Kristen and Amy Show (Philadelphia)
Adrianne Gagnon from We’re from Here (Toronto)
Matt Folliott form Standards & Practices (Toronto)
Doug Lief from My Favorite Customer (Los Angeles)
Tommy Galan from FUCT (New York)
Rick Andrews from The Cascade (New York)


Re: OOB All-Star Maestro cast

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 1:48 pm
by Rev. Jordan T. Maxwell
Roy Janik wrote:Ben Masten from Audience of 2 (New York)
Sam Dingman from Audience of 2 (New York)
This. Yes. All about this. 8)

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 1:53 pm
by Matt
Buy tickets early! This show almost always sells out.

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 2:05 pm
by Rev. Jordan T. Maxwell
i want to see Doug and Ruby do a scene titled "Morgan Freeman and the Giraffe."

this will of course involve them fighting crime.


Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 2:26 pm
by Roy Janik
Just replaced a last minute dropout with Marc Rowland from Montreal Improv!

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 4:26 pm
by Spaztique
And teched by absolutely nobody, which means I'll get to sneak into the booth and watch from there without doing anything. Any mind-blowing music or dramatic lighting choices will have nothing to do with me.

Posted: September 6th, 2011, 12:16 am
by AmyA
Who won?

Posted: September 6th, 2011, 2:29 am
by Chuy!
Jamie kicked the shit out of Jordan... (he never had a chance)

Posted: September 6th, 2011, 2:48 am
by mpbrockman
Chuy! wrote:Jamie kicked the shit out of Jordan... (he never had a chance)
Oh, I take it they didn't have you play demon voice then.

Morgan Freeman & the Giraffe

Posted: September 6th, 2011, 5:27 pm
by JewedLaw
Sorry Jordan. I wasn't able to deliver this scene in the show, primarily because "Morgan Freeman and the Wildebeast" is already filming and I wanted to avoid an infringement suit. However, if Ruby is down, we can still try. There's such a thing as retroactive improv, right?


Re: Morgan Freeman & the Giraffe

Posted: September 7th, 2011, 9:07 am
by Rev. Jordan T. Maxwell
JewedLaw wrote:Sorry Jordan. I wasn't able to deliver this scene in the show, primarily because "Morgan Freeman and the Wildebeast" is already filming and I wanted to avoid an infringement suit. However, if Ruby is down, we can still try. There's such a thing as retroactive improv, right?

only if you're feeling it, Doug. ;)