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Needed: actors and writers for Sci-fi Comedy series

Posted: July 31st, 2011, 1:29 pm
by Kevin Williamson
Alex Rodriguez and I are putting together a Sci-fi comedy series to film possibly in September or October. We will be filming 6 full length (23 minute) episodes for the first season. We have a video studio and equipment.

The series will be called "Redshirts", and will be a sitcom about the crew members of a large military starship, much like the enterprise. The show will focus on the crew members with the crappy jobs on the ship. The ones who wish they could be a captain or a science officer as they pointlessly guard hallways, serve food that a computer made, and mop endless amounts of linoleum flooring. The idea is that even though it's the future and technology is amazing, not much has changed. The characters still fight with each other, have relationships, get bored with their lives, and wish for more.

Anyone who has something to bring to the series, whether it's acting, writing, set design, costume design, etc..., and wants to be a part of this, send me a message.