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OUT OF PRINT! Submit your writings and drawings!

Posted: July 20th, 2011, 6:53 pm
by Mo Daviau
We are still seeking submissions for the 2nd annual edition of Out of Print: The Official Literary Magazine of the Out of Bounds Comedy Festival. The deadline for submissions is this Monday, July 25th, at 8pm Texas Time. Out of Print is a small, cute, funny magazine of great literary importance, and if you are a writer or artist, we would love to take a look at some of your stuff.

We are looking for:
*funny, clever, and droll short stories and essays (max. 1000 words)
*poetry, but not downer sad stuff
*charts and graphs
*short plays and scenes
*anything else written or drawn that may be considered humorous

If your work is accepted, you will be paid $0, but will enjoy the lifelong satisfaction that comes from having your work accepted somewhere.

Please send your submissions as Word docs or inline text to Preferably with great swiftness.

--Mo Daviau
Editrix, Out of Print

P.S. Although the initial announcement went out only to official Out of Bounds performers, I am happy to consider work from any Austin improviser who might not be performing but plans to volunteer for or attend Out of Bounds, too.