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Bat night: Ripken this Friday

Posted: July 12th, 2011, 7:59 pm
by Spots
(ignore the date on the poster)

Friday 15th -- 9pm


Anyone who's been to a bat knows the imagination is allowed to run free. The format is performed in the dark and the performers' voices lead you through an unfamiliar world, often with fantastical elements and organic transitions.

Sometimes bat performances would make superb premises for animated movies. Dragons, mud creatures, post apocalyptic salesmen.... nothing is out of reach.

Opening for Ripken is the New Movement's recent bat workshop class taught by Milo Smith. Adrien, Ariel, Jack, Jesse, Henry, Jacob.

And Tura Tura (a two person mono scene) will be rounding out the evening. Jasmine & Jenna. Love those guys. ... tura-tura/

This is your invite!