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Megaphone marathons Austin - Get It

Posted: June 14th, 2011, 7:31 am
by Spots
If you haven't heard, Chris & Tami are moving headquarters at the end of this month.

I found it incredible that they've been organizing an event across 4 cities throughout June. I was so inspired I drove down to New Orleans for the first weekend. Watched some excellent shows & met some seriously talented NOLA improvisers.

There's some good stuff happening in that scene & I'm glad to see New Orleans back on its feet. Local businesses are huffing along. There are folks keeping up the community down there.

Didn't make the Houston or Dallas shows. But I'm amazed at the hard working troupes who drove all over Texas and Louisiana to make it happen, including one troupe called Chris & Tami.

A few of my other favorites: Hand Bomb, Tura Tura, Witch Baby, Stupid Time Machine, Delta Burka, Milo & Shyla, Vietnomnomnom. Everybody was there. Everybody was supportive & in high spirits.

Yesterday The New Movement had a family meeting. It was really touching. Seated around the room were all the people who first became improvisers under Chris and Tami's wing. These aren't theater people. They had just come to a show one time and decided to stick around. The room was literally packed with students.

It was a family meeting like any other, announcements were made. Props were thrown out. Dan gave new protocol for handling equipment. Chris gave some details for this weekend's closing party. But there came time when eyes starting filling with tears because that time was coming closer.

Tom Niland said delicately, "Yeah I have some props. For Chris & Tami."

A few students started clapping. Then all were clapping. And everyone stood up. And before you knew it there was a standing ovation for the folks who made it all happen.

It was touching. It was awesome. I was ecstatic to be there.

More than anything, I can't wait to see our NOLA brothers & sisters get a space and grow an even tighter bond with the Austin community. I'm going to head down there a few weekends to help out. I had a blast last weekend with those folks and I have every intention of keeping that link active.

But here's the thing you need to consider.

This weekend is a great time to come see the closing nights of the Megaphone Marathons. Come see the Houston, Dallas, and NOLA folks. Come say hi to Alexandria and Vanessa, who are the new Creative Director and Conservatory Director respectively. Come hug it out with Chris & Tami & me. There's gonna be some cool shit.

If you haven't checked out the theater yet, it's a pretty monumental time.


Posted: June 14th, 2011, 8:55 am
by Chadwick
Last year's Megaphone Marathon was amazing! I was the host for last year's and will be hosting again this year along with Jen Sembera. It's a great opportunity to see a crap load of great troupes from all over TX and LA.

Posted: June 14th, 2011, 9:17 am
by PyroDan
Last year was great, and I am looking forward to see my old college troupe in the current incarnation... I feel really old.

Posted: June 14th, 2011, 10:02 am
by theJPR

The NOLA marathons were the shit. I assume Dallas was the shit and I am very excited for this weekend. My troupe Spirit Desire is unveiling the "Turbo Edition" incarnation of our troupe. I'm certain it will be stupid awesome.

Come on out people!

Posted: June 14th, 2011, 11:50 am
by yams
Being a part of the New Movement has been an incredible experience for me. Everyone should get a taste of the magic!

Come out this weekend and spread the improv love!

Posted: June 14th, 2011, 5:30 pm
by Spots
@JPR: "Turbo Edition"?? Holy smackers. I loooooooved the Juggalo Christmas Special you guys did. That's something you guys should revisit. I can only imagine Turbo will be something utterly mind-blowing.

@Dan: which troupe?

Posted: June 14th, 2011, 6:44 pm
by sideshowcris
Megaphone Marathons kick about 32 trillion unique varietals of ass. We had an awesome time in Houston and NOLA and are ready to finish things up in Austin. New Movement rules and we are excited to join the fray. See y'all Friday!


Posted: June 14th, 2011, 7:48 pm
by happyhappyamyp
Megaphone Marathons are a helluva good time! This year, me and Brittaney Wright and Kevin Jacobson and Dan Crean and Mike Breese all took a workshop and created or own form. And we're debuting it Friday night at the Megaphone Marathons! Come on out and see me try something new and excited.
Oh yeah, and everybody else performing is AMAZING too!
Come say hi.
Amy Pacheco

Posted: June 14th, 2011, 11:41 pm
by acrouch
Looking forward to this!

Posted: June 15th, 2011, 1:48 am
by brittjw
Well said, Jesse! I agree. Being in NOLA a few weeks back was a magical time. I had the best shows of my improv career and I felt that the improvising performed by all that weekend was amazing! I can only imagine that the TNM family will continue that momentum this weekend, here in Austin.
As Jesse so eloquently put it, "come meet Alexandria and Vanessa (the new artistic and conservatory directors)" and "come hug it out with Chris and Tami". It's going to be a lot of fun and we'd love to see you guys there!

Britt Wright

Posted: June 15th, 2011, 1:50 am
by brittjw
yams wrote:Being a part of the New Movement has been an incredible experience for me. Everyone should get a taste of the magic!

Come out this weekend and spread the improv love!
I heart you, Yams! I just thought I'd publicly profess that:)

Posted: June 15th, 2011, 6:09 am
by PyroDan
I was busy monday night after classes, I hope you like the 'new' look

Posted: June 15th, 2011, 6:27 am
by Spots
Uh oh! I want the first peek exclusive!!!!

@Britt: thanks for having my back! Can't wait to see everything settle into NOLA nice & snug. It was fun meeting your future roomie. And I wanna get in on professing <3<3 to Yamina too. <3