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**Improv Happy Hour - Tuesday, May 31**

Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 1:03 am
by brittjw
Hey guys!
On Tuesday May 31, come join us for an improv happy hour. This will be a great evening of food, alcohol, friendship, and fun! This is not an improv performance -- it's a social event for improvisers (and friends of improvisers) to get to know each other.

This event is for the entire community. All are welcome, regardless of whether you've done improv before, or just want to hang out with us. Please invite your friends (even if they're not improvisers, they're still welcome)!

We've heard that some improvisers are performing or rehearsing in the evenings, so we're doing this event late in the evening to accommodate more people: from 9pm-11pm!

We are trying a new location this time -- the brand-new "Dive Bar & Lounge" at 1703 Guadalupe St, located across the street from the Dog & Duck Pub!

Also -- we now have an improv happy hour leadership team! We'd like to acknowledge these nice improv leaders who are helping to promote this event:

* Brittaney (Britt) Wright
* Shana Merlin
* Lauren Zinn
* Michael Jastroch
* Andy Crouch
* Tom Booker
* Shannon McCormick
* Roy Janik

Participating Local Improv Schools and Organizations:
-Merlin Works
-Coldtowne Theater
-The Hideout
-The New Movement
-The Institution
-Gnap! Theater Projects

Come enjoy some cheap drinks ($1.50 for a Lone Star tall boys!) and enjoy a fun evening hanging out with us! We hope to see you all there...


Posted: May 23rd, 2011, 11:40 am
by acrouch
The Dive Bar owners are friends of improv from way back!

Posted: June 2nd, 2011, 2:20 am
by brittjw
The happy hour was a big success! Thanks to everyone for coming out. It was a lovely time, indeed. I'll keep you all posted about the next happy hour, which will (hopefully?) be in June.

Have a great weekend!
-Britt Wright