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Comedy Sportz - Final 2 shows at Cafe Caffeine

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 9:12 pm
by sara farr
Hey guys,

Comedy Sportz has had a fun run at Cafe Caffeine, but the place is changing ownership, so CSz Austin will be doing their last two shows there this coming weekend -- Friday & Saturday @ 7:30pm.

Friday's Cast:

Taking the field in RED will be the visiting team
the "Austin Heat" with
Capt. Camille "I'm an ocean not a" Seely,
and George "Nickname Goes Here" Bendele

Taking the field in BLUE, your home team
the "Austin Audacities" with
Capt. Spencer "the MYTH" Smith
and Jim "Hot Diggity" Doggett

Your host and Referee, Dave "Wacka Wacka" Wallace
And as rich as a Royce, chiming in as Voice, it's Jake "the Cake" Perez

Saturday's Cast:

Taking the field in RED will be the visiting team
the "Pflugerville Pflyers" with
Capt. Terrill "I'm a Recovering Serious Person" Fischer,
and Amy "America's Favorite" Averett

Taking the field in BLUE, your home team
the "Austin Audacities" with
Capt. Dav "Wacka Wacka" Wallace
and Liz "Mad Energy" Aebersold

The Designated Jokester, will be Megan "Mighty Morph" Flynn
Your host and Referee, Dan "He Came, He..." Sawtelle
And by popular choice, on the mic as Voice, it's Sara "Probably Gone Too" Farr

All Tickets $8 --
Cafe Caffeine -- 909 W Mary Street, Austin, TX 78704

Posted: February 6th, 2011, 9:44 pm
by Mike
Is CsZ moving to another venue, or is this the final show for awhile?

Posted: February 10th, 2011, 2:30 am
by sara farr
I think this is the final show until they find a new venue. They will continue to do parties and gigs, while looking for a new performance space.

Also, I've had to step out of the show due to a schedule conflict, but there will be a ton more OTHER players - old and new. They're going to do a tournament style show to get as many cast members in as want to play. Should be a fun show.