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Spam warning for certain image hosts?

Posted: January 6th, 2011, 10:22 am
by Tim Traini
I guess there's a check for spam based on certain words, and I couldn't post because some string in the image I was going to post kept bringing up a fatal error in spamwords.php, and got auto-sent PM warnings from the admin account.

The only hosting sites I was using were Imageshack and Imgur so I'm not sure why it would consider either to be spam. Unless the word "gif" is not allowed due to people posting mass amounts of them or something.

I'm more just curious what would be defined in it to cause that, as apart from random strings of alphanumeric text from uploading to imgur and the word "hallucination" don't seem like they'd be in a generic spam filter.

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 10:15 am
by Tim Traini
Yeah, it doesn't like imgur for some reason. Have spambots been linking to that a lot or something that it had to get added to a filter?It's a fairly common free hosting website.