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Cage Match: Welcome to Fear Street

Posted: January 2nd, 2011, 8:20 pm
by Michael
Cage Match: Welcome to Fear Street begins this Saturday January 8th. Old tournament style format- New Time- All show will begin at 8pm

Round One begins this Saturday January 8th

January 8th
Shades of Brown
Adan Gutierrez, Erica Sanchez, Louis Zertuche, Mat Giles, Monica Rae Torres, Regina Soto, Sandra Ybarra, and Vanessa Caballero

Pillars of Injustice
Lacy Cox, Ed Reed, Andy O'Meara, Ashley Franks, Ann Potter, Sam Malcolm, Joshua Philips

January 15th
Samstephs,Pets and Michols
Sam Van Metre, Stephanie Hagemeister, Michael Williams, Andy Petruzzo, Stephanie Redding, Bob McNichol

The Dancy Street D'Orchestra
Amy Averett,Mo Daviau,Kristin Firth,Topping Haggerty,Howard Katz,Susannah Raulino,Peter Rogers,Neal Tibrewala,Dave Rosenbaum (guitar)
Chelsea Gilman (drums)

January 29th
The Intentions
Deano Jones,Jason Finkelman,Kimberly Cox,Brett Tribe, Bob Khosravi,Chelsea Gilman


Stabby Jack
Brad Knox, Addison Billingsley, Danny Catlow, Tim Traini, Ed Reed, Lacy Cox

February 5th
We Invented Dinosaurs
Matthew Derman & Joel Usher


Improv Royale
Jericho Thorp as Psychobilly
Lance Gilstrap as Manager Harrison Mack, The Business Maniac
Nick Ramirez as "Stone Cold" Nick Ramirez
Brian 'Lubu' Roberts as The Natural Boy
Brent Foshee as The Texacutioner
Brett Tribe as El Tribe Loco
Todd Shaunbacher as Todd "The Mouth of the Midwest" Shaunbacher

Round Two will be held on February 12th/19th with the Championship to be held on February 26th
-Cage Match Commissioner

Posted: February 17th, 2011, 12:00 pm
by Michael
Cage Match Round Two Starts this Saturday-Feb 19th. Championship will take place March 5th- CTT 8pm

Feb 19th
b]Shades of Brown[/b]
Adan Gutierrez, Erica Sanchez, Louis Zertuche, Mat Giles, Monica Rae Torres, Regina Soto, Sandra Ybarra, and Vanessa Caballero
Stabby Jack
Brad Knox, Addison Billingsley, Danny Catlow, Tim Traini, Ed Reed, Lacy Cox

February 26th
Samstephs,Pets and Michols
Sam Van Metre, Stephanie Hagemeister, Michael Williams, Andy Petruzzo, Stephanie Redding, Bob McNichol
Improv Royale
Jericho Thorp as Psychobilly
Lance Gilstrap as Manager Harrison Mack, The Business Maniac
Nick Ramirez as "Stone Cold" Nick Ramirez
Brian 'Lubu' Roberts as The Natural Boy
Brent Foshee as The Texacutioner
Brett Tribe as El Tribe Loco
Todd Shaunbacher as Todd "The Mouth of the Midwest" Shaunbacher