Friends of Improv Potluck Toast - Sunday, January 2, 12-6pm
Posted: December 31st, 2010, 2:01 pm
I'm not Facebook friends with everybody in the Greater Austin Improv Community - and sorry this is such a last minute notice - but ALL are invited to the potluck this Sunday. Bring something to share - food, beverage, or other - or come empty-handed, if that's the best you can do. We'll have brisket and some beverages. Dress to be outside. Bring kids/friends/family - no pets, please!
3506 Rogge Lane - 78723
northwest corner of Rogge & Springdale, across from the old folks home
other questions: jamesdeanjaybyrd at gmail dot com
3506 Rogge Lane - 78723
northwest corner of Rogge & Springdale, across from the old folks home
other questions: jamesdeanjaybyrd at gmail dot com