Actorhood Free Show Sunday @TNM
Posted: December 9th, 2010, 12:20 am
The Actorhood showcases continue, this time at the New Movement Theater.
Free Food! Free Food! Free Food! Freeeee show.
Filmmakers, artists, improvisers, folks of all ages. Come out and help us merge the two communities. Two groups of powerhouses of talents will perform & cause a raging tornado of comedy, showcasing their abilities to be in your upcoming films.
when: THIS Sunday 12.12 7:30pm
where: 1819 Rosewood (Chicon & Rosewood) Mappy
RSVP here, yay
Free Food! Free Food! Free Food! Freeeee show.
Filmmakers, artists, improvisers, folks of all ages. Come out and help us merge the two communities. Two groups of powerhouses of talents will perform & cause a raging tornado of comedy, showcasing their abilities to be in your upcoming films.
when: THIS Sunday 12.12 7:30pm
where: 1819 Rosewood (Chicon & Rosewood) Mappy
RSVP here, yay