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"Seance!" a Winter Meeting...

Posted: December 2nd, 2010, 3:14 am
by sara farr
"Seance! a Winter meeting of the Secret Society of Blackbower Mediums"

Friday, December 17 ยท 10:00pm - 11:00pm

Once again you are invited to join the Secret Society of Blackbower Mediums, a circle of spiritualists bound together by the touch of hands, as they invoke ghostly holiday stories spawned by the suggestions of the audience participants.

Through incantation, the mediums will attempt to communicate with the spirits of the dead, hoping to prove continued existence after physical death, and to gather some information on the first hand experiences of it.

Be warned. The channels of spiritual communication prove be volatile and dangerous, resulting in materializations of spirit forms taking shape right before your very eyes!

Featuring the Improvisational Talents of Marc Majcher, Sara Farr, Emily Breedlove, Stephanie Towery, Kristin Firth, Todd Hart, and Clay Towery.

(created by Clay Towery)


Posted: December 9th, 2010, 10:06 pm
by Claytonius
I am sure to be there!

Posted: December 15th, 2010, 12:48 am
by sara farr
That unexplained jingling you hear outside,
or the electric tingling up and down your spine
...possibly nothing.

Or perhaps, called by yule tide glow
those whom have passed that you might know
.. draw near to you.

So those inhabiting a more somber state,
ignoring friends calls to come celebrate, warned.

These subtle messages from beyond the grave,
may be reaching out, in hopes to save
YOU. So remember...

"Life is short,
and suddenly
you're not there anymore!"
~ Charles Dickens

Come celebrate with the Secret Society of Blackbower Mediums as we initiate those who want to celebrate the season with a traditional Dickens style "Seance!"

One night only
December 17th
Salvage Vanguard Theater