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The Duck Variations, a comedy by David Mamet

Posted: November 30th, 2010, 3:23 am
by Jeff
Maybe you haven't heard on Facebook or anywhere else, so I'm making this AIC forum post. Confidence Men: Improvised Mamet are among a cast of 17 in David Mamet's play, The Duck Variations. This will feature a live original score by Jackie Myers. It goes on this Friday, December 3, at 10:30 pm at Hyde Park Theatre.

Ferstenfeld and I operate this theatre company, Dystheatre, and next year we'll put on a production of Sam Shepard's True West. That show will cost a whole lot to produce, so this Friday's Duck Variations is a fundraiser to help us afford True West. We invite you to our play! It is good.

Donations from $20 - $30.

Thank you for your consideration. We hope to see you.


Posted: November 30th, 2010, 10:25 am
by KathyRose
"Good"? It is GOOD?! This production is not just good, it's freakin' AWESOME! Such care and deliberation has gone into this production, it will make your mother cry (and/or roll over in her grave) should you happen to miss it. This is not some AMATEUR production, it contains performances by NOT ONLY the Confidence Men, but also SEVERAL OTHER B. Iden Payne award winners, including the artistic director of the Hyde Park Theatre itself, Mr. Ken Friggin' Webster! It would be worth robbing a bank for the price of a ticket. Just sayin'.

Purchase your tickets here. Or not. It's YOUR mother.

Posted: December 1st, 2010, 12:14 pm
by EmilyBee
Very much super liking this.