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Come Up With A Name, We'll Give You $100

Posted: November 15th, 2010, 6:27 pm
by Jill Morris
Hi Austin! Missed you guys at Out of Bounds this year!

Firstly, I apologize if you’ve already seen this message. Secondly, who loves C A $ H?

I’m working with social scientist, author, filmmaker and comedian Todd Gallagher. We would love your help brainstorming a name for his production company. If you can come up with something we use, we’ll promptly PayPal or mail you $100.

We’d like something clever, obviously, but something that isn’t embarrassing to say on the telephone. The name should be something that fits with what he and his career is about.

His basic deal is this: he takes people’s questions and goes into the field to find the answers. In his best-selling book Andy Roddick Beat Me with a Frying Pan Todd answered sports fans questions like “Could Andy Roddick beat you with a frying pan?” and “Could a morbidly obese goalie shut out an NHL team?” Currently, he’s filming a documentary about going back to high school at a small private catholic school.

He likes to think of himself as a "social scientist." So something that plays off that or the Q&A element would be a good way to think of it. They can just be cool names, too, because he's a cool, funny guy. He's a leader who pushes boundaries and often ends up in bizarre & embarrassing situations to get his work done. Maybe try and think of it like goofy Gonzo journalism.

We'll be taking submissions until 7pm THIS WEDNESDAY. Please email me at jillmariemorris AT gmail DOT com. Thanks for your time!



Posted: November 15th, 2010, 8:21 pm
by Spots
Submitted. I hope I win because branding small companies like this is actually something I'd love to do freelance. It would be a great reference.

Posted: November 15th, 2010, 10:47 pm
by Jill Morris
Thanks for submitting Spots!

I updated my original post a little to include more details about what we are looking for.

Everyone is free to submit as many ideas as they want and email as you think of them. No need to be formal, use proper punctuation, sepll check or worry about a name you might think is shitty. Send 'em all!! Thanks!


Posted: November 18th, 2010, 2:31 am
by Zach
If i submit the winning name, can i get $100 worth of poster putty?

Posted: November 29th, 2010, 10:22 am
by Spots
No followup. Boo.