Bad Company from the Merlin Works 601 Graduates
Posted: November 11th, 2010, 10:20 am
Bad Company
December 4, 11, and 18th at 10pm
Graduates of the Merlin Works Narrative Longform Series (Improv 401 – 601) perform a run of improv comedy shows in the genre of their choosing, opening the Saturday Night Special for some of the biggest acts in town. The latest round of Improv 601 graduates present Bad Company
Bad Company is an improv comedy show inspired by the TV Series “The Office.” Starring the graduates of the Merlin Works Institute for Improvisation Narrative Longform Series, Bad Company is opening Gnap! Theater Projects’ Saturday Night Special December 4, 11, and 18th at 10pm. Once the audience suggests the workplace, improvisers weave a mockumentary-style tale of ineffective management, quirky co-workers, office romance, and working stiffs who succeed despite their best efforts.
Tickets are $5 and you can buy tickets online at
Cast List:
Ashlee Medlin
Bob Khosravi
David Rosenbaum
Elizabeth Alexander
Enecito Acedillo
Jessica Salinas
Luis E Salinas
Scott S Crocker
All SNS shows now $5.
Presented in association with Gnap! Theater Projects.
December 4, 11, and 18th at 10pm
Graduates of the Merlin Works Narrative Longform Series (Improv 401 – 601) perform a run of improv comedy shows in the genre of their choosing, opening the Saturday Night Special for some of the biggest acts in town. The latest round of Improv 601 graduates present Bad Company
Bad Company is an improv comedy show inspired by the TV Series “The Office.” Starring the graduates of the Merlin Works Institute for Improvisation Narrative Longform Series, Bad Company is opening Gnap! Theater Projects’ Saturday Night Special December 4, 11, and 18th at 10pm. Once the audience suggests the workplace, improvisers weave a mockumentary-style tale of ineffective management, quirky co-workers, office romance, and working stiffs who succeed despite their best efforts.
Tickets are $5 and you can buy tickets online at
Cast List:
Ashlee Medlin
Bob Khosravi
David Rosenbaum
Elizabeth Alexander
Enecito Acedillo
Jessica Salinas
Luis E Salinas
Scott S Crocker
All SNS shows now $5.
Presented in association with Gnap! Theater Projects.