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fuck the piece, save the actor

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 12:02 pm
by michaelmcgeary
fuck the piece, save the actor is a piece of Delwisdom that reflects an attitude really necessary for good improv. No matter how smooth your work is going if an actor is neglected denied or remains unidentified in a scene the audince sees that and cannot rest until it is resolved. We talked to manymany audience members in the process of creating harold and it was ammazing how maany remembered mistakes w/ names,space work mistakes,contradictions in 'plot' etc. Of all these, chief among remembered fuck ups was DENIALdidIsayDENIALImeant DENIAL.
This week I went to some theatres to see Austin Improvas it is today.Some one asked me about that in a recent post. I saw some brilliant work.Improv well done is breathtaking even to experienced improvisors. It"s like watching magic done with the human condition as fuel. I also was fucking aghast at the lack of attention and support as many actors scrambled to say something funny instead of supporting the moment and letting the funny that results from that emerge That was a key element of ALL the good work I saw. Two scenes I saw were among the best I've ever seen and I've seen a few. They were SIMPLE! The best use of yes and! very sweet. Why?ABSOLUTE DEVOTION to the other actor! Affirmation of every offer. letting silence play it's part,because silence happens when you're so devoted to the moment words aren't needed Mysterious,compelling ,beautiful!!
Now my brethren and the great Barbara Jordan exclaimed" I AM APPALLED!!" Let's say we have a scene with two actors, A1 and A2.....A1-'hi dad how are you today?" A2- " I'm not your dad, and it's night time" I saw that happen ahundred times in different forms and it made me want to scream You Asshole , you made him look ridiculous! I saw drowning scenes struggle in misery as other actors watch and laugh from the sidelines.Total lack of using the space or an activity to relieve the stench of frying brains.Over and over actors watched their fellows suffer, failing to stop the bleeding by just jumping in and ending it even if you don't have an idea, and the show killer of all time..DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL I swear to gott in himmel Del close will rise from the crypt and strangle yo' selfish ass. You can be doin the world's best Harold and it will be ruined if the company allows an actor to look stupid and or confused Iwas pissed every time I saw that shit and this week I saw it Often!! I think maybe more Spolin-conciousness could help dat mess! mpm

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 12:14 pm
by sara farr
Yeah, I also don't like to watch this kind of improv. I have seen a lot everywhere and made a list of the things that seem to cause it. Fear is number one on that list. Stinky, rotten fear.

Best bet to help you overcome it?

I'm sure everyone has their own opinions, but I like the "Deep Yes-Anding" exercise. I got this from a coach just when I needed it and it still impresses me today with how much FUN it can make that simple original offer -- and I agree that keeping things simple and can be great fun!!

When I heard Keith Johnstone speak about scene starts, he said the scene is about THAT ONE thing that starts the scene -- the actor's look, phrasing, attitude, verbiage, content of what is said, implications in what is NOT said... it's all there!! Don't rush past it, live in it!!

Thanks for posting this, Mr. McGeary.

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 12:26 pm
by kbadr
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.

And I am now morbidly curious about what shows you saw, good and bad.

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 12:53 pm
by Rev. Jordan T. Maxwell
amen. to borrow from a show that was constantly tripping over its own denials, "save the character, save the show."

what shows did I see?

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 11:36 pm
by michaelmcgeary
Friend kbadr ne'er shall I tip my lip!! the tongue is the greatest enemy of the neck!!

Re: what shows did I see?

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 12:55 am
by Rev. Jordan T. Maxwell
michaelmcgeary wrote:the tongue is the greatest enemy of the neck!!
that's not what my girlfriend used to say...BOOM!

(wait, where's everyone going...?)

Re: what shows did I see?

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 10:33 am
by KathyRose
michaelmcgeary wrote:the tongue is the greatest enemy of the neck!!
Yes, even in improv, the tongue is the finest tool for slicing one's own throat.

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 10:42 am
by Rev. Jordan T. Maxwell
Razortongue was, sadly, a very short lived Batman villain...

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 11:11 am
by michaelmcgeary
Razortongue now lives w/ your grandma and your mutant sister on the Planet Lesbanon. he gets a small residual check for the Batman thing but supplements his income as a letter opener for local biznises. It's about the only use for a male tongue on Planet Lesbanon.

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 11:18 am
by Rev. Jordan T. Maxwell
michaelmcgeary wrote:your mutant sister on the Planet Lesbanon.
you have no idea how close to the truth this is. ;)