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ColdTowne is Accepting Submissions for December/January

Posted: October 23rd, 2010, 8:51 am
by cortniejones
I'm not an active enough member to post exactly what I want to post...sorry guys-I will be more proactive. But here's the best I can do. The important part, the part where you can get the link to submit your troupe can't be posted, so if one of you would like to email me, or has the link via the ColdTowne email that was just sent out earlier today, feel free to reply and post it!

Holy Guacamole!

It's submission time again, and boy are we excited about this go-round! Remember, every troupe is invited to submit for shows, you do not have to be CT Affiliated! Open door policy!


Things are moving fast at ColdTowne, in only four years we've not only outgrown our theater we've outgrown our schedule! Our little theater isn't little anymore, we're all big boys and girls now! To accommodate our growing selves, we've opened up a new night of comedy. Get ready for free comedy on Wednesday nights starting in January! There will be more details on these magnificent facts later, but for now let's just get golly-goo excited about advancing into the big leagues of comedy 6 NIGHTS A WEEK!

Want to be a part of the awesomeness? Submit your troupe here: this is where the link should be.

Wanna know more information about submitting for a late night show (Friday or Saturday nights) or a month long run of shows (Thursday nights). Well, by George-you're in luck, the information is below:

If you are interested in a month-long run (Thursday nights) or a late night show slot (Friday or Saturday nights) please submit your pitch to (I can't even enter my email in any puzzlematic form) with the answers to questions #1-4 on the troupe submission form. We are currently looking for Thursday night show runs for December and January.

Thanks, in advance, for submitting for shows-without wonderful performers like yourselves the world would be a less funny place.

*Submitting availability does not ensure a show slot. Filling out the form in as much detail as possible will help the Artistic Committee understand what you're all about better, increasing your chances for a show slot.*

Someone reply with the coldtownebooking email and the link with the submission form, please....kisses.


Posted: October 25th, 2010, 11:20 am
by Jon Bolden
I was asked to bump this!

Submit away! Due Oct 30th