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Turn of the Century Paris Ages Gracefully

Posted: September 8th, 2010, 5:31 pm
by BreveBronovan
Austin based sketch troupe Turn of the Century Paris are opening their newest sketch show tomorrow at ColdTowne Theater and it will continue on at 10pm for the rest of the Thursdays in September.


Life. The circle thereof. The line tangent to that circle. And so on. Who knows the mysteries of life? Our parents? Our children? Aliens in the depths of space or long forgotten civilizations of Earth? Come with us as we traverse the generational gap like NASA traverses their federal budget.

Turn of the Century Paris Ages Gracefully: LAST SHOW!

Posted: September 28th, 2010, 11:53 am
by chazpf
This Thursday is your last chance to see Turn of the Century Paris' first full-length sketch Show "Ages Gracefully," 10pm at Coldtowne Theater.

TCP is very happy with the show and thanks everybody who has come out so far. We look forward to a few more laughs with our bests friends, the audience.

<3s, Chaz