a BIG thank you
Posted: September 7th, 2010, 7:33 pm
Just want to put out a huge thank you to everyone involved in the festival this year, the volunteers, performers, and patrons.
A special shout to the staff who make it easier every year for everyone as we slowly learn how to make it better each time. I am certain no other producer in the country has such a dedicated crew of people working for so little in return. These guys make it happen and the festival, and hopefully the whole scene, is stronger for it year-round. If you enjoyed OOB this year, please let them know next time you see them.
In case you missed who they are:
Dave Buckman -Producer
Kareem Badr -Producer
Roy Janik -Producer
Kerri Lendo -Stand-Up Producer
Ace Manning -Technical Director
Matt Pollock -Box Office
Kaci Beeler -Set Designer
Asaf Ronen -Talent
Valerie Ward -Hospitality
Michael Jastroch -Publicity
Lindsey Reeves -Sponsorship
Craig Kotfas -Graphic Design
Patrick Daniel -Special Events
Emma Holder -Volunteers
Chris Allen -Video Things
Jericho Thorp -Mini-Golf
Mo Daviau -Out of Print Editrix
Britney Salyer -Tech Crew
Chelsea Gilman -Tech Crew
Mike Sullivan -Tech Crew
Todd Hart -Tech Crew
Neal Tibrewala -Tech Crew
Jason Vines -Tech Crew
Brandon Snyder -Tech Crew
David Zimmerman -Tech Crew
Nadine Latief -Photography Maven
Board of Directors:
Shannon McCormick
Pam Werner
Jeremy Lamb
Advisory Board:
Mike D'Alonzo
Jonathan Pitts
David Razowsky
Dan O'Connor
A special shout to the staff who make it easier every year for everyone as we slowly learn how to make it better each time. I am certain no other producer in the country has such a dedicated crew of people working for so little in return. These guys make it happen and the festival, and hopefully the whole scene, is stronger for it year-round. If you enjoyed OOB this year, please let them know next time you see them.
In case you missed who they are:
Dave Buckman -Producer
Kareem Badr -Producer
Roy Janik -Producer
Kerri Lendo -Stand-Up Producer
Ace Manning -Technical Director
Matt Pollock -Box Office
Kaci Beeler -Set Designer
Asaf Ronen -Talent
Valerie Ward -Hospitality
Michael Jastroch -Publicity
Lindsey Reeves -Sponsorship
Craig Kotfas -Graphic Design
Patrick Daniel -Special Events
Emma Holder -Volunteers
Chris Allen -Video Things
Jericho Thorp -Mini-Golf
Mo Daviau -Out of Print Editrix
Britney Salyer -Tech Crew
Chelsea Gilman -Tech Crew
Mike Sullivan -Tech Crew
Todd Hart -Tech Crew
Neal Tibrewala -Tech Crew
Jason Vines -Tech Crew
Brandon Snyder -Tech Crew
David Zimmerman -Tech Crew
Nadine Latief -Photography Maven
Board of Directors:
Shannon McCormick
Pam Werner
Jeremy Lamb
Advisory Board:
Mike D'Alonzo
Jonathan Pitts
David Razowsky
Dan O'Connor