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Gnap! Theater Projects announces its 2011 prime time season

Posted: September 2nd, 2010, 12:51 pm
by shando
All shows are Fridays and Saturdays, 8 pm

January 21--February 12--Show#1: Dungeon Master (current title): Directed by Kyle Traughber; an exploration of theme and dramaturgy, 8 cast members take turns, one each night, leading their fellow players through theatrical situations.

February 18/19--3 year anniversary: Featuring an out of town guest like we did this year with Splendid Things

February 25--March 12--Show #2 : A scripted play still TBD. More info soon

March 25--April 9--Show #3: Showdown: A serialized dramatic Western set in a fictional Texas town in the 1840s, directed by Avimaan Syam.

April 29/April 30--Special guests

May 13/14--Special guests

May 20--June 11--Show #4: Improvised Philip K. Dick (full title still TDB), directed by Shannon McCormick

June 17--July 2--off

July 8--July 30--Show #5 : Final version of 69 Love Scenes in the mainstage at SVT

August 5--August 27--Show # 6: Improvised/scripted 90210 , directed by Lauren Zinn

September 9--October 1--Show # 7: Just Like the Rodeo 3

October 21--November 19--Show #8: Improvised Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys, directed by Audray Snasom and Julie Gillis

December 2--December 17--Show #9: Group devised holiday show

Thanks, and if you interested in being involved with any of these, clear your calendars! We'll let you know about auditioning for the first couple soon!

Posted: September 2nd, 2010, 12:56 pm
by Matt
Philip K. Dick style improv, eh? Color me interested...

Posted: September 2nd, 2010, 2:00 pm
by Marc Majcher
So many things to be so excited about.

Re: Gnap! Theater Projects announces its 2011 prime time sea

Posted: September 2nd, 2010, 2:09 pm
by hujhax
shando wrote:August 5--August 27--Show # 6: Improvised/scripted 90210 , directed by Lauren Zinn
(I heartily approve of announcing this show on 9/02/10. :) )


peter rogers @ work |

The secret of communicating with another person, I suspect, may be in communicating with who he thinks he is.
      -- Roger Ebert, reviewing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Re: Gnap! Theater Projects announces its 2011 prime time sea

Posted: September 2nd, 2010, 3:56 pm
by sandray
hujhax wrote:
shando wrote:August 5--August 27--Show # 6: Improvised/scripted 90210 , directed by Lauren Zinn
(I heartily approve of announcing this show on 9/02/10. :) )


peter rogers @ work |

The secret of communicating with another person, I suspect, may be in communicating with who he thinks he is.
      -- Roger Ebert, reviewing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

YES!!! One of the best Wednesday night dinner shows of all time!!

Posted: September 3rd, 2010, 10:51 am
by Katie T.
Finally! 90210 is on the schedule!! Also: Nancy DREWWWWW!!!

Posted: September 3rd, 2010, 2:07 pm
by EmilyBee
cool stuff!!!!

Posted: September 5th, 2010, 1:34 am
by Pdyx
Very interested in the Philip K. Dick improv. That sounds fun, and challenging.

Posted: September 7th, 2010, 11:29 am
by Lants
Pdyx wrote:Very interested in the Philip K. Dick improv. That sounds fun, and challenging.
I'm pretty curious about which PKD it will be focusing on. There would be reasons to explore all his different phases.

Posted: September 7th, 2010, 11:41 am
by shando
Lants wrote: There would be reasons to explore all his different phases.
Agreed, Lance. We're gonna do some book club reading activities and see what's the most appealing way to approach this. One option is to do themed weeks--like one week alternate history, another week split identity stuff, another, VALIS period craziness, etc.

Or we work on all of different tropes and depending on the show, get a different kind of PKD that night. Still thinking all that through.

Posted: September 7th, 2010, 12:36 pm
by tayover
oh, oh! exciting stuff. i'll be on the lookout for audition info...