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Coming in October: Susan Messing- need your opinion

Posted: August 11th, 2010, 12:28 am
by Asaf
Hey guys,

We are set to have Susan Messing down here for the weekend of October 16 & 17. We are curious as to what people might want as far as class lengths. I know the price is going to be a major factor, but know that we will be keeping the prices manageable similar to what we did with Jill's class

Your input is graciously welcomed.


Posted: August 12th, 2010, 7:17 am
by Aden
I personally vote for whatever option gets me the possibility of taking the class. I'm free Tue, Thur, soon... Fri and most of Sunday.

K, thnx :)

Posted: August 15th, 2010, 12:16 am
by Zach
I have not had the chance to learn from Susan Messing, but I do know that in my classes in the summer intensive at Improv Olympic, there wasn't a single instructor i had that didn't mention some aspect of Improv that they gleaned from Susan.

(that is even after you discard all of the references to the R - XXX rated improv terminology coined by her.)

I know I am going to do my best not to miss her in Austin.