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The Greatest Showcase On Earth

Posted: July 22nd, 2010, 1:01 am
by Spots
This Sunday the Institution is hosting 2 showcases for $10 total!

Shows begin at 6 and 8PM. Each show is 5 bucks.

Click image for details

When: Sunday July 25, 2010 6:00pm || 8:00pm
Where: Hyde Park Theatre
511 West 43rd Street

At 6pm:

A character format featuring Monica Cooke, Mack James, Ashley Lowe, Gina Miller and Jason Mueller

A montage of cinematic clichés featuring Andrew Burton, Roxy Castillo, Abra Chusid, Meg Dudley, Tom Harrell, Vasilis Liaskovitis, Jesper Markland, Chris Osborne, Taylor Overstreet, Joe Ricks and Fred Winkler

Hyperlinks, where the audience controls the editing with Tom Booker, John Buseman, Madeline Chauvin, Bryan Cruz, Eric Heiberg, Indigo Rael


At 8pm:

A character format featuring Tyler Booker, Adia Dawn, Melinda Hasting, Rebecca Ligon, Lorena Sa and Gretchen Von Rochow

A thematic montage featuring Zach Frederick, Christine Giordano, Adam Gutierrez, Lisa Heino, Sabrina Jones, Janet Maykus, Sara Osburn and Jesse Spots

20 [films] in 30 [minutes] featuring Mark Bond, Jeanna Fort, Ted Meredith, Taylor Overstreet, Deana Ricks, Asaf Ronen, Noel Wells

Buy your ticketsHere!!

Posted: July 22nd, 2010, 4:36 pm
by Gio
Yea! Yea! I will be there.

Posted: July 22nd, 2010, 8:22 pm
by Munga
Sweet casts! Can't wait!

Posted: July 22nd, 2010, 9:16 pm
by Spots
Madeline, I've sat in on a few of the newer classes. There are some great up and comers in there. Can't wait to watch them do their stuff.

Posted: July 23rd, 2010, 3:00 pm
by kristin
I'm super excited for these folks. Yay show!

Posted: July 24th, 2010, 3:43 am
by Spots
If anyone has a tripod I might need to borrow it for this show. The sturdier the better. Mine *might* turn up but it's fairly worthless anyhow.

One more day!!!!