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MojoKickball 3 "Apocalypse at Pleasant Valley"
Posted: June 15th, 2006, 9:17 pm
by chicocarlucci
Krieg Softball Complex
Sunday June 25th at 5:30PM
So I've started giving theme titles to the games. Because I'm excited! I can't help it.
OK, this one is at a softball complex with 11 fields! SO we are all but guaranteed a kickass field. We're meeting at Field #6.
PLUS, it's a night(ish) game! Well, if you really consider 5:30pm to be "night". Whatever, at least it won't be deathly hot. Plus I'll have plenty of drink for everyone so that should help too.
Go here for more details:
if you want me to put you on the mojo kickball evite list, either respond here or PM me with your email and thy will be done.
List members, I promise only a minimal amount of emails about re-financing your house while you "enlarge your penis".
I am missing out on all of the fun
Posted: June 16th, 2006, 12:02 am
by improvstitute
I can't make it on the 25th b/c I will be out of town. However, I am dying to play.
For future reference, there is a baseball field about 2 blocks from my house in Leander (yeah, I know...Leander), but it is available if you want to use it sometime. It's not as far as you might think. Maybe an improv party could follow...or a BBQ of sorts...or a paint Ted's house party. The possibilities are endless!!!
Posted: June 16th, 2006, 12:24 am
by vine311
YES! Finally a Mojo Kickball game I can make it to!
Posted: June 16th, 2006, 12:58 am
by ChrisTrew.Com
You are in my kitchen right now.
Posted: June 16th, 2006, 10:50 am
by York99
You were in my kitchen just then.
Posted: June 23rd, 2006, 1:46 am
by chicocarlucci
Reminder for Mojo this Sunday the 25th!
Krieg Softball Complex, Field #6!
Take Caesar Chavez (1st street) east to South Pleasant Valley Road.
Make a right onto S. Pleasant Valley and go about a half mile and it will be there on your left.
PLUS! updates on the website - rules, strategies, quick rules...
Pictures will be coming soon..
Posted: June 23rd, 2006, 2:40 am
by beardedlamb
if you haven't experienced this yet, get your ass out there and run around for an hour or two. it's good for you and it's much tons of fun.
Posted: June 26th, 2006, 11:34 pm
by beardedlamb
for the annals or however that's spelled, TEAM SWEETNESS, a rag-tag bunch of mildly athletic go-getters defeated, RED DEATH OVERDRIVE , a chiseled set of grizzeled Mojo veterans, 5 - Nil and 9 - 2 for a final score of 14 - 2.
that was awesome. anything that makes you smell so bad has to be amazing.
Posted: June 27th, 2006, 1:01 pm
by ChrisTrew.Com
I've got a big idea that may open up Mojo even more. Eric, let's talk.
It may change Andy P's stance, which was something like, "It's frustrating that atheleticism has little to do with success in this game."
When's game 4?
Posted: June 27th, 2006, 5:05 pm
by HerrHerr
MOJO kickball rules!
I tell random people about it and they're like, "Oh, that's sick," and, "That's insane."
Tagline: Mojo kickball, it's kickball on steroids and LSD.
My body is so sore from Sunday's match...and my knees got scraped, but I looooovvve it!
Posted: June 27th, 2006, 6:50 pm
by Andy P
I'm having trouble ambulating, but I love the game.
Posted: June 27th, 2006, 7:50 pm
by beardedlamb
i'm having trouble knowing what abulating means. for me, it's a good balance of strategy and athletic ability. more so than just smashing into things, less so than just sitting and playing chess. i like how it uses a mixture of the two.
also, can we talk about getting another ref so that carlucci can actually play the game he's busted his ass so much to invent?
You folks are the bees knees.
Posted: June 29th, 2006, 2:13 am
by chicocarlucci
Yeah, holy crap the strategies relaly do help!
My basic focus for the last few days has been to work on making the Runners get a little more advantage without allowing them the ability to just own the game at any time.
I have two more minor rule changes that I am going to update the site with .
In summary:
1)_ The Chaser will now be called "the Guard".
2)_ The Shadow will now be called "the Shagger"
3)_ The Shagger will wear a purple belt. (how fashionable)
4)_ People in the Guard line/area can swap out with either the Shagger or the Guard.
5)_ The Wannabe is back. The wannabe can run onto the field and swap out with either the Guard or the Shagger but must only run onto the field when he/she intends to swap out.
6)_ Mayhem can be called at a minimum of 3 kickballs in the Outfield. Giving the Kickers more of a choice with what they can do.
7)_ The Shagger can tag Outfielders, just like the Guard, but only in the Foul Areas.
I'm presently updating the website to reflect these changes.
Although I really liked the last game we played, I am a little dissapointed with the near shut-out score, and my inability to police some of the illegal moves. Hopefully these new rules will help things out.
The next Mojo Kickball is going to be THIS MONDAY on the 3rd of July at 5:30pm!
Same place.
Re: You folks are the bees knees.
Posted: June 29th, 2006, 4:53 pm
by beardedlamb
chicocarlucci wrote:
6)_ Mayhem can be called at a minimum of 3 kickballs in the Outfield. Giving the Kickers more of a choice with what they can do.
this is huge. it takes away part of the cannon fodder powers but that's okay, too. i'm all about mayhem being called more often.
i'm so there monday.
Posted: June 29th, 2006, 9:54 pm
by Andy P
Dang! I work until 6pm, but I will be there for the second half. The new rules seem pretty cool. MORE running...sick.