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Die Baldenholder!

Posted: May 4th, 2010, 11:38 pm
by emmadholder
Chris Baldenhofer and I are debuting our two person sketch show: Die Baldenholder! this Thursday at 10pm at ColdTowne theater with Turn of the Century Paris! Come see!
Thurs. 10pm May 6, 13, and 20th. at ColdTowne!

Edie and D.D. Baldenholder are very famous in Germany but they came here just to see you and show you their short plays!

Posted: May 5th, 2010, 2:41 pm
by themoss
oh wait, this isn't facebook.

Posted: May 13th, 2010, 6:54 pm
by emmadholder
das bump! two more shows!

Posted: May 14th, 2010, 9:22 am
by Pdyx
Good stuff guys, I enjoyed it a lot.