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FREE National Karaoke League Tournament Sunday at Highball!

Posted: January 7th, 2010, 11:35 am
by Whitney
Hey guys,

I know lots of you have competed in a season of the NKL at some point before, and we always love to see how you rock the stage. This Sunday at 9 pm at The Highball, we're having a Wildcard Tournament as part of the NKL Texas Karaoke Showdown and any team of at least 4 people can sign up and compete for a spot in big competition on the 24th.

The competition is across three rounds--one solo, one karaoke roulette (you don't know the song till you get on stage), and one group round. It will be judged by three local celebrity judges, including your very own fellow improv-er, Jason Vines. (Other judges are Tim League, owner of the Highball and Alamo Drafthouse and Laura Kosmerl, bartender and manager of Ego's.)

Best of all, this one is totally free to enter, as well as free cover to get in if you just want to come watch. If you win, you get to go on to the Texas Karaoke Showdown, and if you win *that* you get a really big trophy, eternal glory, and a pic on both our website and the Highball's.

We've got room for a couple more teams, so if anyone is interested, just e-mail me a team roster at There's also more information on the facebook event page, ... 990&ref=ts

Posted: January 7th, 2010, 11:49 am
by vine311
This is going to be a lot of fun! Come compete! Come watch! Come drink!