Posted: June 28th, 2009, 2:45 pm
Well, after teching 3/4ths of the shows and staying in downtown Austin for nearly three days (if you Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), I just want to say, YOU'RE ALL ROCK STARS!!!
My favorite moments include...
Hours 1-2 - Maestro: One solid-ass Maestro, in-general.
Hour 4 - Start Trekkin: Again, a solid Start Trekkin show. Gotta love the Klingon wedding ceremony.
Hour 7 - Cochise: The only other time I saw Cochise was during OoB 2008, so techin' this scared the hell out of me, but luckily, the fine improvisers of IfE brought us one of the craziest, twisty-turniest plots I've ever seen, turning into what TVTropes call a Thirty Xanatos Pile-up.
Hour 8 - Your Terrific Neighbor: Although they had their own tech guy and all I did was supervise, the show was so bizarre that it'll be hard to forget Curtis' crazy Mexican Talk Show intro involving a luchador and a bunch of goldfish, and the classic game "Wuzzat bird called?"
Hour 9 - Available Cupholders' Game Theory: A fustercluck of rules and really good improv.
Hour 10 - New Movement's Character Based Deal: Amazing character-based improv turned into an even-more amazing narrative longform involving three geniuses who try their hand at making a movie, a boy and his really old dad battling the ocean, and young cartographer uniting Russia and Uzbekistan, only to later get fucked up the ass by Poseidon.
Hour 12 - Snackers' All Night Diner: A beautifully crafted single-scene 3-act-play-esque story with memorable characters, a sharp plot, and Journey music.
Hour 13 - Late Night with Midnight Society: Two words: Beef Party. If you don't get it, that means you missed it, and if you missed it, shame on you.
Hour 14 - The Starter Kit presents "Give it Up"'s second-to-the-last episode: The strange thing was that it felt plausible for such a show to exist: the main characters are cosmic playthings, and since this is nearing the end of the series, they pull off every [ur= ... ngTheShark]Jump-the-shark inducing plot point[/url] they can: the main character is getting married, the dad who ran away to become a dancer in Las Vegas comes back for the wedding, and to top it all off, it's all during a clip show!
Hour 28 - Improvised Shakespeare: One of the more bittersweet Improvised Shakespeare shows I've seen, which is just how I like it. Great characters, great acting, and excellent Hamlet reference at the top ("These are the world's finest actors, whether it be for historical, comical, tragical, historical-comical, historical-tragical, comical-historical-tragical, or scene unlimited!")
Hour 29 - Holy Sleep Deprivation, Batman!: Despite having so little Batman-related sound cues to work with, I'd say this is the one superhero-related improv format to rival KA-BAAM!!. It was that good. Plus, hat's off to Roy's "The Slug", who was the perfect(ly disgusting) Batman-esque villain. "It looks like slime doesn't pay!"
Hours 30-31 - Musical Maestro: My favorite meta-scene of all time between Belinda and Kaci.
Belinda: Are you gonna teach me how to do this?
Kaci: Nope. We're gonna talk about our relationship!
It scored a five.
Hour 32 - Dubbed Indemnity: The awesomeness of it can easily be distilled into these words, coming out of Jack Nicholson's mouth during the bar scene from The Shining: "Did you put ruffees in this drink?" "Yes, sir. I put ruffees in your drink." "... Give me another."
Hour 33 - The Bat with Coldtowne: Knights Templars, sex, time-traveling, and a whole lot of simulations. Madness in total blindness.
Hour 38 - Junk's Opera of Soap: Plot twist after plot twist and a whole lot of sleaze, this format really, REALLY needs a mainstrage run.
Hour 39 - McNichol and May!: Just a classic flowey donut with two classic improvisers. This video just about sums it up perfectly. Well, almost perfectly; they cut out the part where Troy, strapped to the front of the car, says, "I'm getting plenty of air up here!"
Hour 40 - Landline to Earth: Super-post-modern narrative longform at its finest! Great characters, funny, and filled to the brim with metahumor ("Yes, this story has not just one unreliable narrator, but a bunch of unreliable narrators who convey different events, plot points that the audience can't figure out until they're 98% through the book, and the whole thing feels like it was written by a bunch of people who have been sleep-deprived for nearly forty hours!"). The title comes from Troy's character trying to reach NASA from a space station, trying to bypass the computer-gone-haywire by using a secure landline. Cue somebody running out to provide the visual of a phone line running from a space station.
And, of course: We can't forget the many running jokes between sets, including Midnight Society's Beef Party and Kaci's running gag of giving different characters Amstel Light whenever they order a drink.
We need to do this again sometime. I hope you had as big of a blast as I did.
Until then, GET SOME SLEEP!!! You earned it!
My favorite moments include...
Hours 1-2 - Maestro: One solid-ass Maestro, in-general.
Hour 4 - Start Trekkin: Again, a solid Start Trekkin show. Gotta love the Klingon wedding ceremony.
Hour 7 - Cochise: The only other time I saw Cochise was during OoB 2008, so techin' this scared the hell out of me, but luckily, the fine improvisers of IfE brought us one of the craziest, twisty-turniest plots I've ever seen, turning into what TVTropes call a Thirty Xanatos Pile-up.
Hour 8 - Your Terrific Neighbor: Although they had their own tech guy and all I did was supervise, the show was so bizarre that it'll be hard to forget Curtis' crazy Mexican Talk Show intro involving a luchador and a bunch of goldfish, and the classic game "Wuzzat bird called?"
Hour 9 - Available Cupholders' Game Theory: A fustercluck of rules and really good improv.
Hour 10 - New Movement's Character Based Deal: Amazing character-based improv turned into an even-more amazing narrative longform involving three geniuses who try their hand at making a movie, a boy and his really old dad battling the ocean, and young cartographer uniting Russia and Uzbekistan, only to later get fucked up the ass by Poseidon.
Hour 12 - Snackers' All Night Diner: A beautifully crafted single-scene 3-act-play-esque story with memorable characters, a sharp plot, and Journey music.
Hour 13 - Late Night with Midnight Society: Two words: Beef Party. If you don't get it, that means you missed it, and if you missed it, shame on you.
Hour 14 - The Starter Kit presents "Give it Up"'s second-to-the-last episode: The strange thing was that it felt plausible for such a show to exist: the main characters are cosmic playthings, and since this is nearing the end of the series, they pull off every [ur= ... ngTheShark]Jump-the-shark inducing plot point[/url] they can: the main character is getting married, the dad who ran away to become a dancer in Las Vegas comes back for the wedding, and to top it all off, it's all during a clip show!
Hour 28 - Improvised Shakespeare: One of the more bittersweet Improvised Shakespeare shows I've seen, which is just how I like it. Great characters, great acting, and excellent Hamlet reference at the top ("These are the world's finest actors, whether it be for historical, comical, tragical, historical-comical, historical-tragical, comical-historical-tragical, or scene unlimited!")
Hour 29 - Holy Sleep Deprivation, Batman!: Despite having so little Batman-related sound cues to work with, I'd say this is the one superhero-related improv format to rival KA-BAAM!!. It was that good. Plus, hat's off to Roy's "The Slug", who was the perfect(ly disgusting) Batman-esque villain. "It looks like slime doesn't pay!"
Hours 30-31 - Musical Maestro: My favorite meta-scene of all time between Belinda and Kaci.
Belinda: Are you gonna teach me how to do this?
Kaci: Nope. We're gonna talk about our relationship!
It scored a five.
Hour 32 - Dubbed Indemnity: The awesomeness of it can easily be distilled into these words, coming out of Jack Nicholson's mouth during the bar scene from The Shining: "Did you put ruffees in this drink?" "Yes, sir. I put ruffees in your drink." "... Give me another."
Hour 33 - The Bat with Coldtowne: Knights Templars, sex, time-traveling, and a whole lot of simulations. Madness in total blindness.
Hour 38 - Junk's Opera of Soap: Plot twist after plot twist and a whole lot of sleaze, this format really, REALLY needs a mainstrage run.
Hour 39 - McNichol and May!: Just a classic flowey donut with two classic improvisers. This video just about sums it up perfectly. Well, almost perfectly; they cut out the part where Troy, strapped to the front of the car, says, "I'm getting plenty of air up here!"
Hour 40 - Landline to Earth: Super-post-modern narrative longform at its finest! Great characters, funny, and filled to the brim with metahumor ("Yes, this story has not just one unreliable narrator, but a bunch of unreliable narrators who convey different events, plot points that the audience can't figure out until they're 98% through the book, and the whole thing feels like it was written by a bunch of people who have been sleep-deprived for nearly forty hours!"). The title comes from Troy's character trying to reach NASA from a space station, trying to bypass the computer-gone-haywire by using a secure landline. Cue somebody running out to provide the visual of a phone line running from a space station.
And, of course: We can't forget the many running jokes between sets, including Midnight Society's Beef Party and Kaci's running gag of giving different characters Amstel Light whenever they order a drink.
We need to do this again sometime. I hope you had as big of a blast as I did.
Until then, GET SOME SLEEP!!! You earned it!