NIXON: Serves two terms in the House before moving to the Senate.
GORE: Serves two terms in the House before moving to the Senate.
NIXON: As a sitting Vice President loses 1960 presidential election by a razor thin margin after charges of fraud and vote stealing.
GORE: As a sitting Vice President loses 2000 presidential election by a razor thin margin after charges of fraud and vote stealing.
NIXON: Is criticized after his narrow loss for not utilizing the campaign services of Eisenhower the popular incumbent President who has presided over 8 years of economic prosperity.
GORE: Is criticized after his narrow loss for not utilizing the campaign services of Clinton the popular incumbent President who has presided over 8 years of economic prosperity.
NIXON: Gains a national reputation as a debater after televised debate with Nikita Khrushev but loses presidential debate to greener opponent with reputation as a lightweight.
GORE: Gains a national reputation as a debater after televised debate with Ross Perot but loses presidential debate to greener opponent with reputation as a lightweight.
NIXON: Pioneers environmental issues by starting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Pioneers environmental issues by publicizing global warming.
Goes on Jack Paar and is relaxed and self deprecating, calls himself a "drop-out from the electoral college." Voters wonder where this guy was when he ran for President.
GORE: Goes on Jay Leno and is relaxed and self deprecating. Says he used to be "next President of the United States." Voters wonder where this guy was when he ran for President.
NIXON: Takes a sabbatical from politics. Passes up the next presidential race but endorsement of Goldwater wins him new admirers in his Party's more extreme wing.
GORE: Takes a sabbatical from politics. Passes up the next presidential race but endorsement of Dean wins him new admirers in his Party's more extreme wing.
NIXON: Writes a Cathartic book, "Six Crises" which becomes a best seller.
GORE: Writes a Cathartic book, "An Inconvenient Truth" which becomes a best seller.
NIXON: Tells the ASSOCIATED PRESS he has "no plans to run for President." (1966)
GORE: Tells the ASSOCIATED PRESS he has "no plans to run for President." (2006)
NIXON: Goes on popular comedy show "Laugh In" to retool his reputation as a wooden stiff uncomfortable in his own skin.
GORE: Goes on popular comedy show "Saturday Night Live" to retool his reputation as a wooden stiff uncomfortable in his own skin.
NIXON: Stressing his 8 year Vice Presidential experience in Foreign Affairs, he exploits an unpopular and divisive war and his familiarity to make one of the most dramatic political comebacks in American Presidential history.